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time for a little discussion.


Full Frame Vs. Regular


What is your take?


I am a big fan of Full frame I think when doing black and white prints the black border really adds alot to the contrast of your photo. In some pictures it is called for and others it really isn't.


My teachers are really against it and some won't accept prints if you printed them full frame.

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Uhhh,.. hi


Originally posted by MisPantalonesEstaEnfuega

Full Frame Vs. Regular


My teachers are really against it and some won't accept prints if you printed them full frame.



God DAMN it dude! Your professors are fucking retarded.


Full frame is where it's at.

No discussion.




In other news.. I may start taking classes in the city.

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Re: Uhhh,.. hi


Originally posted by -Rage-

God DAMN it dude! Your professors are fucking retarded.


Full frame is where it's at.

No discussion.




In other news.. I may start taking classes in the city.


dude thursday i hand in an 8x10 in my fundamentals class and the dudes just like, "ahh alright, it is still early in the year and it kinda works with your picture(previouslyposted) but never again. i won't accept it." can't complain too much dude is hooking me up with a job at my local newspaper next summer.

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the reason teachers might not like that is because of mat (matt) ing... if your photo already has a black border on it... when you went to matt the photo it would look kinda weird... i agree sometimes prints have cool looks to them when you do full bleed or even that black framed look... but i came to appreciate the way photos looks matted.. its sleek and sexy... and boy do you guys make me miss 35mm

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Originally posted by ilovedrunk

the reason teachers might not like that is because of mat (matt) ing... if your photo already has a black border on it... when you went to matt the photo it would look kinda weird... i agree sometimes prints have cool looks to them when you do full bleed or even that black framed look... but i came to appreciate the way photos looks matted.. its sleek and sexy... and boy do you guys make me miss 35mm


fuck that digital noise!


i kid

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fuck that digital noise!


i kid


doooood if i had access to a darkroom i SO wouldnt use my digi cam... i missed photo so much i bought one... i shot 35mm black and white for a long ass time before i went digi... the one thing schools are good for... their darkrooms... i shoot manual and i "process" my photos in my "digital darkroom" when needed (sometimes even with the lights out)... PLEASE BELIEVE i would trade smelling like chemicles all the time again for saving to the internet anyday...

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Originally posted by ilovedrunk


doooood if i had access to a darkroom i SO wouldnt use my digi cam... i missed photo so much i bought one... i shot 35mm black and white for a long ass time before i went digi... the one thing schools are good for... their darkrooms... i shoot manual and i "process" my photos in my "digital darkroom" when needed (sometimes even with the lights out)... PLEASE BELIEVE i would trade smelling like chemicles all the time again for saving to the internet anyday...


Prior to coming to school I never had access to a darkroom. I had a shitty film tank and a shitty enlarger in my basement which never yielded anything worth mentioning so I stuck with my Canon S50 then I came to school and now I am a complete Luddite when it comes the digital stuff. I am so in love with black and white printing I am dreading the fact that I have to take a digital course next semester(Although our "digital darkrooms" are super nice. All G5s and they have those wide chassy printers that can do like 30 inch wide prints - which my room mate and i are planning on stealing) I've only been here for about a month and am loving the 35mm stuff. I had to buy a 4x5(toyo view camera 45CX) for a class which I am kinda hyped about because now I have the attitude of "Well, I want to do this for a living this camera will pay the loan back for me." But this weekend I am actually using the thing for the first time as opposed to it sitting in a big ass bag and taking it out for class. So just jumping from 35mm to 4x5 seems just so exciting to me. I think next year we go into medium fortmat. Hasselblad here I come! Just being able to watch the print develope and knowing you have something 100% tangible just seems great to me and knowing that you have complete and total control(not saying you don't with a digi because I know damn well you do.) is just amazing.


Oh and being able to sell your prints for more because idiots get fooled by "Silver Gelatin Print" and think its something special.



On another side note: What kinda film is everyone shooting on? Do you jump around or do you stick to one type?


I've been using Kodak Tri-X 400 for awhile but recently have put up a boycott (Kodak ditched their research and developement on film. As where Ilford and Fuji-watch out-are still working on making new and innovative films.)

So for the past two weeks I have been rocking the Ilford HP5 Plus and have been loving it. I shoot an average of one 36 roll a day so I know this shit like the back of my hand. I couldn't be more pleased with a film. I'm almost afraid to try other types of Ilford film or Fuji just because I have become so comfortable with the HP5.



After the first week here my girlfriend was like, "Did you stop wearing deoderant or something? You smell different, kinda acidic."

"Ahh nah, that's just the fix..."


My school is practically a trade school for photography so that's all I do.

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you sound exactly like me.

currently I am using Kodak tri-x 400 film. I bought a 100 foot spool of the film, and a bulk loader. so far I am very pleased with it. I like having control over every step of the process. digital can't touch it. out of all the stress and work at school, my only escape is the darkroom. if it was up to me, I would take pictures and go strait to the darkroom. all day long. I don't even smell the chemicals anymore:D

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Originally posted by Mr. Peanut

you sound exactly like me.

currently I am using Kodak tri-x 400 film. I bought a 100 foot spool of the film, and a bulk loader. so far I am very pleased with it.


How much did the bulk loader run you? I've been thinking about it but I'm shooting on a Nikon N75 so it does the automatich DX coding ISO setting thing. I have no idea how to set the ISO on my camera and all my teachers are the same way, "wow, you should be able to do it this way. Why it doesn't work is beyond me."

Do they make the cassettes DX coded?

Is it difficult to load?

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Well the film itself was somethign like 25 bucks for 100 feet, and the loader was about 15 bucks. i'm not sure about the dx coding. as for the difficulty of loading, it took me about 5 minutes to do it in the dark. I just went over the instructions a few times before going in and opening up the film. it was the first time I've ever done it, so you can do it.

I got my stuff from BnH in nyc. maybe you can find some info on their site http://wwwbhphotovideo.com/


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Originally posted by Mr. Peanut

Well the film itself was somethign like 25 bucks for 100 feet, and the loader was about 15 bucks. i'm not sure about the dx coding. as for the difficulty of loading, it took me about 5 minutes to do it in the dark. I just went over the instructions a few times before going in and opening up the film. it was the first time I've ever done it, so you can do it.

I got my stuff from BnH in nyc. maybe you can find soem infor in their site http://wwwbhphotovideo.com/



I owe half my life to B&H.


Thanks, I think I may do this.

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Originally posted by Poop Man Bob

Where the hell did you run off to?


I kind of stopped caring.






As I will after I post this.













See ya.

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Originally posted by MisPantalonesEstaEnfuega

How much did the bulk loader run you? I've been thinking about it but I'm shooting on a Nikon N75 so it does the automatich DX coding ISO setting thing. I have no idea how to set the ISO on my camera and all my teachers are the same way, "wow, you should be able to do it this way. Why it doesn't work is beyond me."

Do they make the cassettes DX coded?

Is it difficult to load?


Yes you can buy canisters that are DX coded for various ISO's.

As far as the film question... I shoot Plus X 125 for my black and white. and all of my color stuff you see here is slide film. Mostly Fugicrome Velvia 100, and sometimes Kodak E 100.


And since this page needs flicks, heres some digitals from Alaska in august.









Until next time...

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