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Old Cans Of Paint, Serious Collectors

Slyle CMC

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Alot of things will give you cancer, and I am pretty sure inhailing any type or aerosol old or new is not good for you...oh and the car colors are most likely 90's at best, I believe the yellow cans are slightly older. Good paint though, I worked at Pep Boys for a summer and had a shit load of them....

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  • 2 weeks later...

alllright guys, give me a few minutes to post all this. my pics are uploading. but i came up on alot of old old paint. from 60's and 70's.



here are some names i'll throw out there


mr. spray,


pittsburgh paint,


morwear superlac,

and Wizard paint. any of them good?



also i got OLD cans of krylon from 66 and 67

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those are nice flavors. I bought 80 of them last year in that color, peach, tan and dark blue. I wound up returning them for normal size cans cuz the store was charging .99 cents for the short cuts and regular cans. figured I get more bang for my buck.


Sucked returning 80 tho, but they don't make you fill out any info. No receipt needed for return/exchange.


Good cans for tag walks, or throwing up a forcefield on a piece.

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