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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by krie

still deciding

ill ethier go in as an carpenter apprentice

or go in as a marine specialist




i might join the military..i'd join the airforce..its never anything i wanted to do..but i've been thinking about it since i'm having a baby.. and its really good benefits for a single mother... i hear that i have to sign a waiver though that if i get sent to war my mom and dad will take my son.. but hell free health care is really important to me for my baby, and then i'd only do a 4 year term.. and they pay for what..half of your schooling? i could go to school too.. my mom said she would watch my son for the 6 weeks i was in bootcamp... eh.get my ass back in shape.. i dont know..decisions decisions..i think i'am really going to talk a recruitor though..i think i'd want to do air traffic control.. but then i'd have crazy hours..and i dont like that with my baby... or do receptionist work.. maybe in the hospital so then i'd have a normal schedule..8-5..ahh who knows ...decisions decisions..

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office work, mwu ha ha ha ha ha ha, the chair-born rangers: air force.

but seriously, my pops just retired from the air force after 23 years, good stuff, ima go into air force as well. its all about ammo baby "if you aint ammo, you aint shit" i.y.a.a.y.a.s. my dad has that on a plaque in his room. lol. its great.

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hell, why not..i'm not going in to be macho..i'm going for the benefits..and why would i want to fuck around with ammo everyday..yes sounds fun but i'd rather not leave my son motherless..get my point? my dad is in the airforce too... going on 24 years i think or maybe 23.. but he still has to stay in for another year.. anyway.. i would only join for the benefits and the steady job career..




and i'm still fucking PREGNANT(%@(*)!&)(&! i have been pregnant..for 40 weeks..40 fucking weeks and one day..

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Originally posted by alure

to be able to fit into my old clothes and jump around and smoke a ciggeratte.. i've been walking alot its supposed to make labor easier..



babe, im not trying to be all pc on your ass, but if youve gone 9 months or 40 weeks and one day or 281 days without a cigarette, why start back up since you know you can live without them? even though youre prolly all stressed right now.

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alure! whats going on baby girl?

hope everything goes well for you in the coming days


*dont join the military unless you want to make it your life

i have a few girl friends that joined and they say its the biggest

crock of shit but they are staying in just to stay in

i dont understand the logic

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I realize that I'm not a nightowl, but what's up nightowls? For some reason you seem to be the only ones I can turn to.




alure, i hear ya, but since i cant get pregnant ima be an ammo man. yeah the benifits are rockin, one of the reasons im going in myself, plus in arizona you gotta be 21 to hold a badge. lol, thats right:five-o: , i figure by the time im done with the air force theyll have paid for my schooling and ill have a nice degree in ballistics, weapons diagnostics, etc. then i can hit the 5-0 squad until i have enuf senority to be s.w.a.t.

cuz ive wanted to be swat since i was a kid. i wonder if i could still do all that shit even know i been caught sprayin walls more than once? hmmmmmm....

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