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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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I'm not going to bed.. but going to do ..nothing exciting. thank you zack junkie and dirty. for the interview things...


So my mom cant afford to keep me because my dad can't pay child support because he's sick and still hasn't gotten surgery and etc. I guess she has no choice ..she wants to sell the house..i've lived her for the past 15 years. not sure but i might have to find somewhere else to live..i have school..and currently no car to drive to school if i move with my dad..which would be a 45 minute to hour drive..If I knew about this my ass would've gotten a job looong ago. I'm waiting for a call back soon.. i can stay at friend's houses..but I'dj ust feel uncomftorable. arghhhh.


stress is a bitch. i'll get over it. just you know..putting down what I'm thinking. Ja rule looks like a fucking rodent..


later. I'm gonna go draw some ugly monster cartoon fish...night shhhoog.shit..i'll probably be back.


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don't stress it deliss... i had to move for similar reason not too long ago... we'd been in the place we were at for 7 years or more... i was pretty bummed about it at first, but i'm really digging it now... granted there were advantages that the last place had, that this one doesn't, but it was still fun just to change shit up...

it can't be all bad...

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today fuckinhg sucks

right now im piss drunk but its not makijng things any better


i just barely got hoime from the hospital

one of my best friends almost died today on his sportsbike

he had a green light but some stupid whore decided to run her red

she tboned him and took him to the ground dragging him for a bit

he almost died on the spot because hisd spleen burst when he got hit

his hip is also fucked up and his leg is in pieces

hes on a respirator right now, and im thinking things will get better

but hes still in critical condition


i also doidnt get to go on my date toniet but thas the least of my worries right now

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oh fear me for i am the reaper , hahahahahaha look whos back hiatus was nice i honestly think ive gotten crazier in the past few months it seems daily im getting more and more lets say eccentric (if thats how you even spell it) with everything even serious matters have to be turned into something funny. anyways yes im back breifly not as much though so please forgive me hahaha


look hooty hoooooo's back

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my conversation


dumbwhore: hi

me: what

dumbwhore: whats up?

me: nothing

dumbwhore: just eatting a sandwich

me: damn you eat alot

dumbwhore: shut up

me: yep

dumbwhore: im bored

me: no youre boring

dumbwhore: do anything today?

me: umm

me: yea

me: i did stuff

dumbwhore: cool

dumbwhore: was it fun?

me: sure was

dumbwhore: cool

me: yup

me: did you work?

dumbwhore: not today

me: so what did you do

dumbwhore: i went to best buy..to the mall..to jackies..to another friends house..and to the huka for like an hour..

dumbwhore: and thats it

me: you kids have no fucking life, its sad

dumbwhore: it was alright..my foot was bothering me today

me: thats funny

me: you and jackie seemed bored the other night

dumbwhore: nah..i was just cold and tired..i felt like i hadnt had a chance to rest like all day

me: i dont really care i was just trying to make conversation

dumbwhore: im so fucking tired of you

me: thats funny

dumbwhore: how come?

me: because you still talk to me

dumbwhore: i see

me: so pathetic

dumbwhore: fuck you

me: yea i know you did, but it wasnt that good

dumbwhore: asshole

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