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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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i need a starter to just get it moving again...

realistically i need:

to clean out and line the front gas tank

tear out/replace the front end

get some disc brakes


and that's just the shit i need to do to make it safe to drive... besides, the hyundai gets about twice the gas mileage my truck gets...


by the way when, you werkin at that shop again? i checked out the website today... some nice new flicks and videos... but i was bummed to see one of the motorcycles vids is gone... i was gonna show that to my buddy...

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but the truck is the shit!


yea im 'technically' still not working there due to insurance

but im there almost everyday


which video were you looking for? theres still the one left

we should also have a dvd coming out in the near future

ill get a copy for you when we get them, its going to be fuckin tits

weve gone aroung terrorizing other shops, and all that good stuff

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Originally posted by When

but the truck is the shit!


yea im 'technically' still not working there due to insurance

but im there almost everyday


which video were you looking for? theres still the one left

we should also have a dvd coming out in the near future

ill get a copy for you when we get them, its going to be fuckin tits

weve gone aroung terrorizing other shops, and all that good stuff


haha, awesome...


i was looking for the other motorcycle one... the one that showed the fender moving and shit... my buddy (drives a 63 chevy pick up, a corvair, and a corvair van) recently got turned on to bags... i was telling him about yer shop...

i was however glad to see that s-10 or whatever is still on there... the one where you can see the head light and bumper trim shake off while it's being bounced... always makes me laugh...


and i saw the preview thing for the movie... i must say it looks excellent... and made me fucking jealous...


oh! is the new videos added last friday of the duallie? the one that was still in primer last i saw?

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

haha, awesome...


i was looking for the other motorcycle one... the one that showed the fender moving and shit...


and i saw the preview thing for the movie... i must say it looks excellent... and made me fucking jealous...


oh! is the new videos added last friday of the duallie? the one that was still in primer last i saw?


ahh yes that video is gone now for some reason


the movie is gonna be tits, i can promise this


hmm there are two videos of the duallie i belive

both videos of it are in primer, its still in primer

but its missing in action now cause were giving it some suicide doors

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yeah,yeah,yeah...I noticed.....fuck it yall.....we shoulsAll try to get somefare together and meet up in Veghas...hahha...sorrt,chaps....I'm drunk.......again......fuck it,I'll drive there in my peice of shit Volare'.....I don't care.

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Originally posted by When

i dont care that hes crew i just noticed, thats all


'we shoulsAll try to get somefare together' ...what?


but i hear you loud and clear on the vegas trip

i love that fuckin city so much


i still have to get my newyears vegas pictures up in here


Holy shit!!!......dude,I must have been out of my gord last night....Jesus Christ.....oh man.....I'm going to have chill for a few days....damn.


I guess I was trying to joke around and say that "The Nightowls" should meet up in Vegas and get fucked up....that would be funny...sort of.then again...maybe not.The girls in Vegas are easier than Sunday morning...anyways,peace out troops.

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Originally posted by dELiSs

hi zack.


whats up babydoll?



when my nephew gets to where he can say recognixzable words shit will be cool...but now when he just screams TRUCK!!! for COKE!!! or random other things which I can not decipher through my constant hang over I want to strangle the little bastard.

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