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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Zack Morris





anyway read this:


There's some kinda weird something goin on with my sound card in my computer. So I have these headphones, I don't use speakers. They're big headphones, that cover your ears. Anyway, I can *hear* my computer processings shit. It sounds like a hard drive being accessed and all statickie (had to add the k)... maybe one day I'll be able to know what it's doing by listening. Like binary code decoded in my head or something, bah nevermind.... banter. I'm sleeping out ya skeezer, so g'night.

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Originally posted by Dirty_habiT

Zack Morris





anyway read this:


There's some kinda weird something goin on with my sound card in my computer. So I have these headphones, I don't use speakers. They're big headphones, that cover your ears. Anyway, I can *hear* my computer processings shit. It sounds like a hard drive being accessed and all statickie (had to add the k)... maybe one day I'll be able to know what it's doing by listening. Like binary code decoded in my head or something, bah nevermind.... banter. I'm sleeping out ya skeezer, so g'night.


maybe one day you will become a computer...**cues creepy music**


oh i never added deliss to my list because she was never cool enough to be on it ;) :D now i regret it...

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ish me DELISS


well my brohters name was on and well..some reason i cant post. thats why i havent visited this in pAGES> get it ages-pages. HAH!.andyway. sakljsdak. i was gonna go to vegas for new years. myf reind got free room and ishhhh. but nah. i was lame. went to citywalk. then a par tay. ohhh and right before we dropped some guy off he threw up on me. it was fucking disgusting. and i felt bad for my friend so i cleaned his car for him. werd. anywho.


theres too many nightowls now. i can't keep up who's who. it's madnessssss. oh and also i got in a car accident. and i dont think the fuckers have insurance. but they siad they did. i have nocar for now. yay.

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Originally posted by EveryWhere

HA! Ill be 7k soon enough... [/quote


Hey Everywhere!!!.....what's up?.....why you make like a bad check and bounce..........vamoose!

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fuck yea! its two000 and trece!

vegas was a fucking blast

we left here at about 4:30 and were on the strip at 9

on the way there we went through a 30 case of bud and a 6 of amberbock

i drank all the amberbock so that when i got to the bud i wouldnt realise that it was bud

anyway, i made a few enemies on the way there, fuckin civics

i would pull alongside them, rev, and take off and then they would try to catch me but i would pull some slick shit so they would get caught behind semis, it was great fun.

when we arrived on the strip i popped in my jimmy buffet cd and we bumped margaritaville until we parked.

we parked at the motherfuckin hilton and had to walk to our room at the excalibur, it was fuckin far to walk but i didnt really realise it.

the whole way i was picking up those softcore porn callgirl ads and yelling shit at people until i stopped and got a yard of beer...mmm

then the madness started, i started telling dead baby jokes extremely loud and pronounced to some christian preachers that i was their lord and savior, they didnt much care for that and called me a blasphemer, i told them they were asshole for turning away their drunken lord.

we then proceeded to our room and once there drank alot of rum until we were seeing triple and ready to go out and have fun.

the rest of the night is pretty much a blur except for a few incidents.

those being...

me peeing in the river at the belagio, me getting my backpack stuck going down an escalator causing me to lay this chick i know that was behind me out onto the damn thing. my one friend stole some guys elvis glasses, and my other friend took someones derby hat.

and one of the last things i remember is losing my non-puking streak

i drank so much fuckin hard liquor after my beers and about 3 seconds after midnight right in front of o'sheas casino i took some guys newyears tophat off his head and then proceeded to fill it with puke, people were cheering for me and i was trying to not laugh and puke at the same time, it was great puke though, pure alcohol and no food.

im sorry to inform that my drunk ass forgot my digi in the car which might be good cause i would have lost it anyway, but my girl took a roll of film so when she gets it developed ill try to scan some pictures, i think she might have even gotten a picture of my midnight puke.

ill post more memories if they come back to me,

but i can say this newyears was fuckin tits!

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

we are definately hanging out next time i'm down yer way...


thats what im saying

oh and sometime during the night i lost my hoop that was in my lip

i didnt realise until the morning after and im just thinking of leaving it out now since i havent got another hoop to put in it and its almost closed now anyway

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mannn this thread is here fo tt too be the biggest thread in the world..... i'ts the besste biggest thread i've ever seeen ..... and it succeeds... yeah.. it's the beiigg esst thread i've sen in my entire life... ever. nightowls.... yesssssireeeeeeeeeeeeee bob... i'm up at e 3 :310 three thirteen in the AM time dirnking rum.. weeeeeeee

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