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  1. this thread has nearly 10,000 replies..... that's TEN THOUSAND replies.... holy shit, mr. wonka.. you've created a monster..
  2. yeah, it's weird.. i didn't do anything special to make em come out like that... that's just how they developed.. here's some pictures of tattoos i've done tattoos and some shit from my sketchbooks sketchbook
  3. snowstorm polaroids from the big snowstorm we had in CT this winter.. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid63/p2bef40172a526b147023e65531004700/fc175cf2.jpg'> http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid63/p4b65cf41142bb9756a6b10cfcf13b437/fc175cee.jpg'> http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid63/pa8bc4ab544367f370f0a7a474d40c7cc/fc175cec.jpg'> http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid63/p512d9cb2fdc6144f409aa7cf2ba5e797/fc175cea.jpg'> http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid63/pd1f20b93cb78a7e2d85f116f66051251/fc175ce8.jpg'>
  4. georgia on my mind some polaroids from my trip to GA last month http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid63/pe9aca7a55b8b929f9941e79b10920073/fc175cf9.jpg'> http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid63/p5e324e194dd450320db193a9ba18ae20/fc175cf5.jpg'> http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid63/p17ad4fa2c10969cf5ca9316c843494fd/fc175cf3.jpg'> i love how dense the woods are down there.. can't walk through em without a machette.. it rules..
  5. here's some stuff i've been doin.. finally got access to a scanner... i haven't been on 12oz. in a while.. so here's some pictures to show you that i was actually being productive during my absence.. some pictures from my friend eugenio's house.. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid63/pd0d4f24ea3fed07007f2650da7753b41/fc175d02.jpg'> http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid63/p74cc8a5430403614e9fdf44d09cb23de/fc175cfd.jpg'>
  6. mannn this thread is here fo tt too be the biggest thread in the world..... i'ts the besste biggest thread i've ever seeen ..... and it succeeds... yeah.. it's the beiigg esst thread i've sen in my entire life... ever. nightowls.... yesssssireeeeeeeeeeeeee bob... i'm up at e 3 :310 three thirteen in the AM time dirnking rum.. weeeeeeee
  7. yeah? that would be awesome.. i'm making them all by hand, so it takes a while to get hundreds done.. it isn't so bad since they're only half sheet of paper size... if you'd like to help me out, send me an e-mail at stencil_masons@hotmail.com or you can IM me on aim. my screen name is cornelius cobbs ..
  8. thanks.. i'm currently making 200 of these things to send out to d'lush to put in her zine.. that way they can be distributed all over the damn place.. severed toes will be everywhere..
  9. the big toe conspiracy 2 http://www.cartogra.com/rs/1DE981C9-C5F7-11D6-B42C-0090277A760E/screen'> stencil:masons are going to take over the world..
  10. hahahahha... yahoo groups are where it's at... stencil:masons are on the path to world domination as well... once this cult starts rolling, nothing will be able to stop us!
  11. you should get a fucking gold medal for that one. hahahahaha! that's the best post ever.
  12. good job zack! assgasms 6 up in that shit.. seymoure butts style.. you know what's up. did you remember to fold her in half and stuff her inbetween the couch cushions? that shit's the best... and have you been using your business cards on girls at the park? jesus.. you should get back on AIM at night sometimes.. i'm the only one ever awake until 4 or 5 AM anymore.. not fun times.. anyway.. keep tearin that shit up zack.. my condolances go out to her asshole.. haha, and she's probably got the most rank farts in the world from all that semen lodged in her colon.. mung smellin... keep away from her for a couple days.. yeah i'm just babbling on, i'll stop now... take it easy zack.
  13. jesus....... everybody leaves before i get home... it's not even that late either... damn... i was nightowlin it outside tonight... i found some cardboard on the street and decided to sit down and draw out a story on it.... somethin about a girl and skulls and worms and dying... the usual shit from me... oh well.... just thought i'd report in and see how everybody was doin..
  14. as long as there are people that don't sleep at night..... the nightowls thread will live on....
  15. goddamn zack, you're always getting fucked up by poison ivy.. you need to watch out for that shit man.. i don't care what the carp says... you can't go around them parts.. no matter how down that fish is.. he just needs to learn to mudskip... then it would be all good
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