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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by slave_one@Sep 16 2005, 06:52 PM

sup putos...i'm about to eat some el pollo loco.


are there any movies worth seeing in the theater?



slave, i just saw that excorsim of emily rose, and it was ill. i also saw four brothers, lots of guns and dying, i enjoyed it mucho.


fuckin wonka! everybody back to work, the boss is coming!

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Originally posted by NightOwl@Sep 19 2005, 01:07 AM

the alien nightowl is back


ha...i knew it! i'm am so smart, s-m-r-t...welcome back


oh and fantom, i guess i shoulda mentioned that i can't hang w/scary movies...

i can hang w/gang violence and people killing other people ultraviolent and shit

but when it comes to the unnatural,

i can't sit through it w/o closing my eyes and my ears.


i think the music scares me more than anything.

yeah i'm a big wuss.

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page 2? unaceptable. almost as much as my spelling right now. ive retyped that about 12 times. tired as fuck. workin at the shop 13 hours a day, no time for nothin. and with my old lady being pregnant i cant do much of anything these days. thats my excuse, where all you other owls at? whats the word on the streets folks?

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people suck. honestly i fucking hate living here.. people assuming they know shit about me when they havent even had a real conversation with me and know nothing about my life.. oh lets pick on her.. she doesnt know anybody.. well buddy...i might not have any friends in this fucking lame ass state but i'm gonna stick up for my self no matter what... put your faggot ass back in check..


on a better note.. 2 of my homeboys from new mexico are trying to come up.. one will most likely..you dont understand how happy i'll be.. to finally have someone out here who knows me.. and we're gonna road trip to ny...wooooooooooo


so fuck everybody else.. you're about to get shanked..

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Originally posted by alure@Sep 22 2005, 09:08 PM

people suck. honestly i fucking hate living here.. people assuming they know shit about me when they havent even had a real conversation with me and know nothing about my life.. oh lets pick on her.. she doesnt know anybody.. well buddy...i might not have any friends in this fucking lame ass state but i'm gonna stick up for my self no matter what... put your faggot ass back in check..


on a better note.. 2 of my homeboys from new mexico are trying to come up.. one will most likely..you dont understand how happy i'll be.. to finally have someone out here who knows me.. and we're gonna road trip to ny...wooooooooooo


so fuck everybody else.. you're about to get shanked..



dang, that sucks, if we were homies, i would visit, and even though we arent, i'll leave you a myspace comment...

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Originally posted by onesecondple+Sep 22 2005, 07:17 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (onesecondple - Sep 22 2005, 07:17 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-alure@Sep 22 2005, 09:08 PM

people suck. honestly i fucking hate living here.. people assuming they know shit about me when they havent even had a real conversation with me and know nothing about my life.. oh lets pick on her.. she doesnt know anybody.. well buddy...i might not have any friends in this fucking lame ass state but i'm gonna stick up for my self no matter what... put your faggot ass back in check..


on a better note.. 2 of my homeboys from new mexico are trying to come up.. one will most likely..you dont understand how  happy i'll be.. to finally have someone out here who knows me.. and we're gonna road trip to ny...wooooooooooo


so fuck everybody else.. you're about to get shanked..



dang, that sucks, if we were homies, i would visit, and even though we arent, i'll leave you a myspace comment...



haha it's okay i stick up for myself no worries there;] truuuuuuuuuuuusttt meeeeeeeeeeee...

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Originally posted by villain@Sep 22 2005, 07:29 PM

It's always tough being the new kid.

I thought you were enjoying your new homestate?

Some familiar faces should help you ease in.

Me? I just play video games....


nah i enjoy the eastcoast..i love how you can just bounce around from state to state so quickly and being near water is dope also.. partying is fun..


just dont go out very often so its really hard to get close to anyone nawhaddamean...i have a few acquantinces that i can call up to go drink some beers with but noone i talk to on a regular basis and tell them how life is going..


i'm really over going out anyway..i'm just concentrating on school and my son.. but when idiots try giving me a hard time online but when i see them in person act like they dont have a problem..i dont have fucking time for that immature bullshit..keep my name out of your fucking mouth..

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Originally posted by slave_one+Sep 22 2005, 07:46 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (slave_one - Sep 22 2005, 07:46 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-villain@Sep 22 2005, 06:51 PM

working pretty late huh?


yes...i really want to bitch about it too...but my hands are tired.



awww i feel that i'm hella tired..i get off in 10 mins tho.. but last week i missed my class at 8 in the morning cause i overslept and i seriously just went straight home and passed out..

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Originally posted by alure+Sep 22 2005, 09:55 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (alure - Sep 22 2005, 09:55 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-onesecondple@Sep 22 2005, 07:51 PM

alure, i cant find your myspace, im sorry i let you down..



hahah awww..you deleted me didnt you!! now you really RUINED my day.. :bawling:



nah, you hbb? you know the whole thing, h..d b....n b....s?

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Originally posted by slave_one+Sep 22 2005, 09:46 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (slave_one - Sep 22 2005, 09:46 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>yes...i really want to bitch about it too...but my hands are tired.



Wow that's pretty tired.

Right back into the grind after a little vacation...


<!--QuoteBegin-alure@Sep 22 2005, 09:49 PM

nah i enjoy the eastcoast..i love how you can just bounce around from state to state so quickly and being near water is dope also.. partying is fun..


just dont go out very often so its really hard to get close to anyone nawhaddamean...i have a few acquantinces that i can call up to go drink some beers with but noone i talk to on a regular basis and tell them how life is going..


i'm really over going out anyway..i'm just concentrating on school and my son.. but when idiots try giving me a hard time online but when i see them in person act like they dont have a problem..i dont have fucking time for that immature bullshit..keep my name out of your fucking mouth..


Everything does seem real close together on the east coast.

I hardly ever go out myself.... I think I'm pretty much over it as well. And it's not very fun going out by myself. I find myself feeling very awkward and ignoring that feeling by drinking. I got plenty of other shit I can be doing.


Well don't let people get ya down. It's just bullshit you don't need. As I get older people seem to get more distant, more involved in their own lives. I guess that's all a part of growing up. The important thing is you are taking care of yourself and your son. Everything else will fall in place. You'll meet new people and make new friends along the way. It takes time. I'm kinda in the same process myself.

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