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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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a pizza joint around here had 'customer appreciation week'. any size, any number of toppings for $10. :eek:


haha slaver, no matter where i've been, someone will always say that to me. hell, i even got that when i was in manila. :huh2: but yeah, the times i've been in cali, its been like 'i forgot where you're from' until i say 'aboot' or some shit. :lol:


*smiley overload.

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Guest willy.wonka

is it wrong to look at your friend's pussy while she stips at the club? is it more of a sin to not buy her a 20$ drink?

i always knew this girl was hot, but when i saw her and smelt the "stripper" of her.. it totally turned me on.

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Queer Eye for The Straight Guy is a funny show ill admit. That Carson fella is a laugh. Though, an australian network has jumped on the band wagon and created "Aussie Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. This shit is straight homo. They put on the act of trying to be like the us team. I cannot help but just looking at this show thinking you guys are tools and will never be as funny as Carson.

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holy shit it's rags...




i had the surgery on my knee this morning...

due to my naturally high tolerance to chemicals the anesthesia and everything (including a nerve block) wore off sooner than they expected... i experienced some of the most intense pain of my life...

my quadracep is still paralyzed, which is very, very weird... i can move my foot, but i can't bend my knee, and i can't lift my leg... really fucking weird...

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This radio station here has these specially marked promotional cars that park in random parking lot and have an employee standing by the boot handing out free promotional goodies (Cd's bags of chips, movie tickets, candy etc) other companies have given them i think their called thunders, or roadrunners or something along those lines, people in this city line up outside the car for a long time whenever they spot them to try and score free junk


So anyways my friend works for the radio station and the other day he's driving out in one of these cars to run some errands and NOT hand out any promotional goodies, in fact there was nothing in the car at all and he sees all these cars that have been following him waiting for him to park, so he parks at a fast food parking lot and sees all these people running in his direction, within minutes he has over ten people just waiting outside the car...


I dont know what came over him to do this, but he makes a fake radio announcement of his whereabouts goes into his glove compartment and begins handing out these people individual peices of mentos straight from the packet


Apparently the look on peoples faces was priceless when they waited in line for a peice of mentos....if the radio station found out about this he would no doubt be fired.

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