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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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the other day i was standing on the road with my brother and right at the bottom of my road theres like this little round-a-bout that leads into a park and it had these barriers so cars cant get in...and there was this little kid about 6 years old with his dad learning to ride his bike...he was going towards the barriers so i go "hes gonna crash, look"..2 seconds later BANG..right into the barriers..we laughed..got in the car, drove down the road and the dad was trying to fix the handlebars of the bike





ive never posted in this thread before and i have no association with the kinghtbats, dont hurt me

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today is my first day of school..


they plowed all the snow but they havent layed salt down.. so you still have to thread through the snow.. i almost fell on my face about 5 times.. and i have to tip toe where the water gets all slushy trying not to get my kicks dirty







my baby is sick so after class..i gotta go take him to the doctor;[

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Today was spent collecting marketing research over the phone at work. (surveying random countryfolk)


Let me do a little summary of a very entertaining phone call.


ME: Hello Mr wright its fatbastard calling from **** Marketing and communications, how are you today? just a very quick call to ask if you would like to participate in a survey about the shopping facilities in your area?


Guy: not at all, fuck off. Can you please remove me from your list immediately!?


Me: Sorry I dont have the authorization to do that.


Guy: Well get someone who does and take me off immediately.


Me: I'm sorry, no one around me has that type of authorization into our database, its one of those things your going to have to live with i'm afraid..


Guy:Asshole! *click*


It wasn't that bad, but we thought it would be a good idea to call him every 30 minutes on behalf of real estate agents, pest control companies, magazine subscriptions etc (all in different accents and voices. Needless to say he wasnt impressed.


And no you wont get that 2 minutes of your life back

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Originally posted by fatbastard@Jan 25 2005, 09:00 PM

Today was spent collecting marketing research over the phone at work. (surveying random countryfolk)


Let me do a little summary of a very entertaining phone call.


ME: Hello Mr wright its fatbastard calling from **** Marketing and communications, how are you today? just a very quick call to ask if you would like to participate in a survey about the shopping facilities in your area?


Guy: not at all, fuck off. Can you please remove me from your list immediately!?


Me: Sorry I dont have the authorization to do that.


Guy: Well get someone who does and take me off immediately.


Me: I'm sorry, no one around me has that type of authorization into our database, its one of those things your going to have to live with i'm afraid..


Guy:Asshole! *click*


It wasn't that bad, but we thought it would be a good idea to call him every 30 minutes on behalf of real estate agents, pest control companies, magazine subscriptions etc (all in different accents and voices. Needless to say he wasnt impressed.


And no you wont get that 2 minutes of your life back


that's pretty funny, but on the reals... i HATE telemarketing.


hey wait a second.... this isn't the knighbats thread...

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i got drunk and did some time travelling last night. woke up somewhere i dont know this morning in the middle of fucking nowhere. i dipped at like 630 this morning walked outside and realized i had no idea where i was. took me like an hour and a half to get back once i realized where i was.


edit - it seems last night i perfectly executed the sleeping cigarette smash =[


newsupdate ii - while just going to the bathroom i was attempting to ash between my legs and burned my unmentionables with a cigarette =[[[[[[

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