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Everything posted by ..romero..

  1. ..romero..

    Yard Safety

    its alot eaasier to get snuck up on by trains then you would think.ive almost been hit 3 times.and ive been caught on trains when they were humping the cars and was almost thrown off.dont wear ipods and stuff on the tracks,especially active ones.and stay very alert when near bends in the tracks.thats where they sneak up on you the quickest.basically just keep your head on a swivel and check your back every once in a while.you wont know sometimes until you hear the clicking of the engine...the worst place to be is on a bridge.mad fools get hit walking on the bridges...
  2. false.shaka zulu was a badass though. tpbm finds me very attractive and wants to have very many intercourse with me..
  3. masturbating into the magazines at the library....ANARCHY!!!!!! i'll just blame it on the homeless.its foolproof.besides i hate people magazine...
  4. not from ohio myself but i heard this guy was from yalls neck of the woods so id though i would contribute. rip perch.didnt know the guy but i heard he passed so i thought id pay my respects.sad when fools die in the game.
  5. you should have wrote it in green.it would have made your point that much stronger.
  6. i will never take seriously a group of individuals that cant tell the difference between a hatchet and a meat clever... or ones that dont bathe on a regular basis...
  7. its not an hour behind.its 23 ahead... I JUST BLEW YOUR MIND
  8. i heard that down south they do that face tattoo shit on women as a form of punishment.so that if a rival sees them they get fucked with.i mean its not like the chicks packin or anything.shame too because she has a really pretty face.id smash tattoo or not though.
  9. yeah.it never stopped dripping either.we had to dump buckets every hour.its all good now though.im finally out of that place hahaa.
  10. reminiscing about my old place and how im sooooo fucking happy to live in a real house hahaha. old place. inside there was like 4 leaks and mold everywhere.the whole carpet was covered in it.i had headaches,nosebleeds,sorethroats,coughs because of that shit.
  11. BUT,she has a penis mwuhahahahah
  12. why would i pay out the ass for this? cover your baby in meat and be done with it.
  13. karate kid,splice,get him to the greek.i would recommend all of these movies.diddy was hilarious in get him to the greek...gewd shit.
  14. elizabeth bathory.too lazy to go into details but i heard she made one of her servants cut off part of her flesh and forced to cook and eat it.gruesome.
  15. this is hilarious because when i was younger and lived in the country i found like a fucking trunk full of old huslters and shit in the woods.it was crazy.i was in like 3rd grade.but it was real close to this one chicks house.she caught me one day and peeped her head out the window and was like "i see you aaron" but being a straight g like i am i flipped her the fanger and kept at it.hahahaha. my name aint aaron btw.
  16. half finished.halfassed.hahah.
  17. being tired and depressed and shit..:(((((((
  18. if i dont post anything in the next day im dead.have a oontz funeral for me guys.lots of flowers and lulz.
  19. got bit by a snake.had a panick attack.took some xanax.now debating whether or not i should try to catch the snake and force feed it some bars and see what the fuck would happen.
  20. where have i seen that face??? oh i remember!
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