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Everything posted by da1lyoperations

  1. da1lyoperations


    I'm about to sell my PS3 so I can get a new scanner, but I picked up this Nintendo DS Lite today off some dude who was gonna chuck it. It's got some crappy 'brain training' game with it though. Anyone know any good games for this little thing? I'm pretty into games with a long story/can be played even after you 'finish' them. RPG shit or whatever. Thanks video game nurgas
  2. So stoked, caught this tonight.. Posted in days in pies. Had 2 cameras on me for this. Hopefully they turn out well. Both 35mm. /Yes phone pic but the real photos will come soon hopefully.
  3. Damn, that was a good wall.. Saw this tonight, some tool flipped his shiny Merc outside the pub, popped out to get some flicks /day
  4. Hahah what a stupid bitch. By the gross outline of burns it looks like she had some burner flames on her arm. And I guess she covered it up with something even better!
  5. Got this for my birthday earlier in the year, just starting it now
  6. METRO NEWS REPORTER - 8th June, 2011 Ewok and Harry Potter goblin actor 'touched himself in front of teen girl' http://www.metro.co.uk/news/865751-ewok-and-harry-potter-goblin-actor-touched-himself-in-front-of-teen-girl
  7. That's pizza? I saw it as an all seeing poo with stink lines.
  8. Nice man, that charity bin one pops. Picked up some Portra 400 today for my Kiev and started a roll of Portra 800 and Tri-X 400. Too bad I'm so behind on developing anything. Someone get me a job in America/Canada so I can move and shoot exciting shit.
  9. Every time I take a new photo I look back at the shots before that and think "Wow, they were really shit" apart from a few. It's an endless cycle, but it's good because it keeps you excited to get that next shot that's going to be better then anything else. I like this first one, the sunlight in the hair from the back is really nice. Now that you've posted in here you've gotta start posting more! Weekly, haha. Really not bad for just getting their new camera/getting used to using the viewfinder. Just look at every dick on Tumblr who calls themself a 'photographer', you're already ahead ;)
  10. If anyone wants to come and live in Sydney I will trade with you. Forever. Some of you guys have access to awesome shit. Those shots are sweet loseryouth, always delivering goods. Always jealous of waffle's landscapes too, the one with the chipmunk on the last page is too good. Great landscapes, snow, abandoned shit, everything good. Someone get me a job in one of your awesome locations and I will leave this place. Anyway, I liked this one. Gonna head back here and shoot film next time. Wasn't happy with these digital shots.
  11. http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=134685
  12. Yeah nice Theo, cool shot. This thread has been on point lately!
  13. Woah JB those are dope, awesome lighting. Good shit in here everyone.
  14. Good to see you're shooting more again Mercer. You should post more regularly in here, you're definitely one of the people I look up to on here. Always on point. That cracked windshield one is nice r1char, looks like a sweet place to explore. Just added you on Flickr too.
  15. Happy Birthday SM, all the best!
  16. Hahah man I suck at getting film developed. Once I start doing it at home I'll have more frequent stuff. But I've got M6 shots, Canonet stuff, made a pinhole, I think there's a roll in my Nikon p&s too. I usually end up waiting till I have a heap to bulk develop because going back and forth to the lab sucks. Ordering a dev tank and stuff today though so home developing isn't far away.
  17. Hahah I just copped season 7 of The Office and had just finished an episode where there's a Woody doll and the girl says that same line. Funny shit. I like that elephant one OhMyGosh, nice and minimalist. That reminds me about that trip to the zoo I won. Except instead of it being too hot it's too cold over here and pissing with rain.
  18. Yeah, it would be. You could always just get a 35mm point and shoot too. But getting an SLR means you can always get wider lenses for full car shots and I guess experiment past simply benching. From what I've heard the A1 is good. Go for it man. I'm moving towards solely shooting film now. After my last digital venture left me feeling disappointed I sold my FE2 (which I'd been pondering) and grabbed an F4s - to be my workhorse. My DSLR now is going to be for client/corporate stuff that might need a fast turn around/RAW files or retouching. Filmlife.
  19. Too much talk of smashing, I thought this was S or T. My bad. Where was that tattooed titty bitch found anyway? I remember seeing the set but I can't remember where
  20. http://www.youtubedoubler.com/?video1=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DQcvjoWOwnn4&start1=54&video2=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DZ0kGAz6HYM8&start2=&authorName=GreatDictator Doubled
  21. Yeah fair enough haha. That's really nice for natural light, looks like strobes. Dope shot!
  22. Those light leaks in the roof look awesome in the first one. Would be sick without the subjects just as a photo of the warehouse. How did you light those 2 guys?
  23. Thanks for those tutorials above man, I'll check them out. Yeah I generally like to go with open source stuff but I've been feeling lazy at the moment while I've had other shit to focus on. But I guess it is probably worth my time to get my act together and learn it properly. I'm the same, generally using open source software. I was using Linux solely for a while but I went and got a Mac again just because the workflow was too broken up. If there was an equivalent to Lightroom for Linux then I still would use it. Obviously some similar programs but it was a hassle. The support is appreciated though dude, this is exactly why I made this thread. And qsyue, definitely! Once I finally get it together I'll make a post on here somewhere. I've looked at Blurb but for the moment at least, it wouldn't be beneficial. The cost to ship a book + printing would leave a lot of people unwilling to buy it. Also there's a few people across the states, New York, San Fran, etc.. That I need to hit up with a zine when I get it published so that's all I'm looking at for the moment. Although I will be looking at a book for my portfolio soon. But yeah, just small projects for now!
  24. Yeah word, those shots are fucking nice JB. 24'd but the thought is there, haha.
  25. I don't think I have too much of a worry with people stealing my photos, if they do that's my own fault and I take that into account - Nothing to do with pirated software though. I'm not publishing a book or anything, just a small zine, limited run and mostly locally distributed between mates and like minded people. I would take that into account in the long term though but for now, I think everyone downloads Adobe shit though. Cheers for the heads up though, definitely will be a thought in any bigger publications. In the long term though I think a small zine will be of no significance by then. AND hopefully if I have the money to print something major I would have the money to buy all the super cool software I'd ever need, haha. Appreciated tips in any case
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