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Everything posted by da1lyoperations

  1. Looking for recommendations for a spot to get something done in New York City. Gonna be back there from Friday. Can anyone point me to where and who I should check out?
  2. It was a fun night, pretty good turn out.
  3. I've still got one floating around I could get out to you. Inbox me for details!
  4. Stoked to be part of this show next week. A pretty sick lineup. Also, something new, finally..
  5. Got it Schnitz! Thanks bro, as I said I'll send you some real photos soon enough. Once I get some free time
  6. Mone, those cityscapes are fucking rad. Love them! First one is so tight, would love to see more.
  7. da1lyoperations


    Anyone had problems with PS3's simply freezing up and dying. I had a few issues where it would freeze mid game and now I haven't been able to turn it on for a while. I'm dying to play the new GTA but if I can't fix it myself then I'll just chuck it. Don't have the money to replace it right now. Somewhere at Mums place I have my PS1 so I can get onto this in the meantime.
  8. da1lyoperations


    Sick. Those 95's are dope. I had these in my shopping cart on a local site last night. Can't bring myself to drop the cash right now though.
  9. Been a while, finally getting a chance to shoot more, winter weather rules. More here; http://joelwestworth.wordpress.com/
  10. Some snaps from out and about today And back home
  11. Dope shots jbrsh and Mercer. I'm booking a flight to NYC for October and these photos are killing me, wish I could be over there already. Your Instagram feed definitely has to be one of the most inspiring Mercer. Always dope. One from Japan I had to get printed for a work display.
  12. Going to try and post more regularly. What up. Good stuff in here everyone, publicenemy the photos looking out from the buildings are so dope. Especially the first one in your last post. That's awesome. Some recent stuffs -
  13. Ah sure, there's a few b-sides flicks I've posted on my blog https://joelwestworth.wordpress.com/ The rest are being saved for an exhibition.
  14. http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?p=8657575 Updates from this page man
  15. Processing and putting together colour shots from Tokyo for a zine - @dailyoperations on IG
  16. Man, I sent out everything. But I had the worst luck with Aus post. I think I still have a couple lying around, I'll pack one up and send it again.
  17. "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Schnitzel again." Damn, congratulations on the kid man! I never did thank for you the last issue you sent me. It was sick though, let me know when #4 is done and I'll PayPal you some dollars for it. Really appreciate the work you've put into it. I'm about halfway to having a complete zine from Japan done, it's just sorting out printing colour stuff. But I'll get one to you once it's done.
  18. Click through for more - http://joelwestworth.wordpress.com/ Osaka/Tokyo 2013. I will post more here in the near future, been real busy at the moment, but I'm getting back on track.
  19. Thanks! But your forest motorcycle photos are much better, haha. Makes me want to shoot colour film again. Okay, over the digital shit now. Here's a couple from Japan. Finally processing everything. Still have a lot to get through but I'm working towards an exhibition. Osaka, Japan. Ricoh GR1 - Fuji Neopan 400 - Rodinal @ 1:25. Feat. 12oz Prophet tee.
  20. Good to see some more stuff up in here recently, and a few people back posting regularly! Nice to see some shots from you SM, good stuff. Mercer, loving the Instagram lately, straight killing it man. Some random digital stuff. Osaka - Back home now so here's some shots from rural NSW -
  21. Oh dude I did, thanks heaps man. Was psyched on that, but then I forgot about the internet for a little bit haha. I'd be down with the photo hunt thread, would be a lot easier now that I have some time and a digital camera. I pretty much drop everything I have but I'm fairly good with keeping lenses clean-ish. But yeah, it's way too time consuming to clean everything. Every time I shoot I'm in a little photography rut and give up caring until after I've scanned the negs, vicious circle.
  22. TMax P3200. Thanks. I don't care enough to clean every roll. They hang in the bathroom by the open window and I've got 2 trees right outside. If ever I really want to print something, I've got a bottle of film cleaner. Yeah, the Ricoh is pretty much a diary for me. Although the battery died and now the date's all fucked up.
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