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Everything posted by da1lyoperations

  1. Oh yeah I was just meaning that once you've been shooting one it becomes too good a feeling. Go back to shooting an SLR and you hear the mirror slap and just cringe. What are you currently shooting with? I think if it's between an M8 or M6 then I'd say the M6 for sure, especially if you have darkroom access. A few people have said they don't like the TTL version but so far I'm finding the meter pretty handy. I've been gathering supplies to start developing at home, and soon enough I'll invest in my own scanner. I love film too, the whole process of it. Having to use the film advance leaver before each shot. Developing will be my next big step/proud moment. Old photo for all the text
  2. It's just the standard M6 TTL finder, 0.58 magnification which is good because from what I know it's better for people who wear glasses (myself) and works well with the 28mm and 35mm lenses. If you want to shoot film get the M6. I know a few people who use M4-P's and MP's which they say are also great. If you're going to spend the money on a digital Leica just go for the M9. I haven't heard enough good things about the M8. Infact like you said, a lot of people hated it after it came out. Get an m9, haha. Now that would be awesome. But definitely, once you shoot rangefinders you don't want to go back.
  3. Thanks dudes, yeah the guy I got it off was moving or something. Sad about the war photographer, I bet those cameras have seen a lot. Hopefully they go into good hands though. I'm in the process of selling things that aren't necessities at the moment, PS3, old laptop, etc.. So I won't have lost TOO much. Worth it though. Fallen in love with rangefinders. I've got a roll in it so I'll get around to shooting it soon. Also got a few other rolls from my Canonet QL17 and Nikon L35AF to develop. Should have stuff to post in the near future.
  4. I feel like I could die right now, content as fuck. Haha. Localish seller for around $1,600 + the lens new for $600ish. I always lurk local classifieds and eBay for used film cameras and just came across it. Couldn't pass it up, the black on the top plate is pretty worn on the front/top as you can see and there's a few dents on the corner of the top plate but for that price I don't care at all. Haha. It looks nice a bit worn. /in love oner.
  5. Did I really go and do this? 1 life goal complete. M6 TTL w/ Nokton Classic 35 f/1.4
  6. Not my stuff, but check out my homies blog and peep his stuff, he is doing dope things. http://raptorblood.blogspot.com/ If you like fire extinguishers, graffiti, adventures and all that you'll probably enjoy it. EDIT: Fuck that picture was big, my bad.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAEm_M1flbE&feature=related Robot vagina, YouTube is a goldmine tonight..
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIN8Cm5rYXY What the fuck YouTube.
  9. Pre-op or post-op? Post-op smash.
  10. This. Hahahah. This thread has been great.
  11. For stuff like that use wider aperture exactly like the others said, around 5.6. set your shutter to the highest sync speed with the flash and use the flash. if it's the on camera one then try to bounce it off some card or something. better yet use an external flash and you'll freeze the water/subject. set your iso accordingly
  12. Just got this in the post, need to fix the light meter, clean it up a little and shoot a roll through it. First rangefinder I've owned so this should be a fun little project
  13. I was just about to download London Boulevard today, looks like a good watch. I watched Diary Of A Wimpy Kid after I saw it above, would not recommend. Maybe because I didn't grow up in America. It's Kind Of A Funny Story is good, I really liked it. I guess the concept has been done but they pulled it off well, will watch it again for sure.
  14. Some really nice shots in the xLifeRuinerx, good candids and the portraits rule. http://www.joelwestworthblog.com/
  15. Thanks bro. Might get that one blown up. I'd say the colour one for your photo too, I really like landscapes like that in black and white but I like the colours a lot. Looks really natural and 'into the wild' type thing. Wish we had landscapes like that here!
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