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Everything posted by da1lyoperations

  1. Just went though some old shots..This is supposed to read like a little story.. Hopefully be shooting some better 'photo essays' soon. Tumblingggggg - http://joelwphoto.tumblr.com/ http://joelwphoto.tumblr.com/ http://joelwphoto.tumblr.com/ http://joelwphoto.tumblr.com/
  2. I agree to an extent. Although it's like working a job you hate. You might be pulling in good cash but you're always thinking about what you'd rather be doing. After a while it'll start messing with you. I spent over a year in one job I hated and every day I was thinking about where else I could be. I was making good money but I had to go. I'll try to elaborate on what I said before a bit - When you take the step to shoot wedding photography, it's a big step. A lot of people shoot weddings casually, you can see their portfolios with landscapes, weddings, portraits, etc.. But the ones making the real money are those who dedicate their photography to weddings. Their portfolios become weddings only, and their websites are changed to appeal to couples, along with their name/image. It's hard to move into that industry while shooting street stuff. I've offered to shoot a few weddings from classifieds I've seen, and most of the time the client has said they've gone with someone else because of their portfolio content. People looking for a wedding photographer are often put off by seeing street/urban/raw shots. They want their magical fairytale photos. Which is why wedding photographers change their image to suit the client. From shooting the raw street stuff that you're doing mn1, you can still get into the good money making stuff. Events, music gigs, fashion (studio and street style) and photojournalism. A lot of good opportunities. I'm not saying "don't shoot weddings", it's just a niche market, you have to change your image to suit the clients needs. Same with sports, landscapes, etc.. But with those markets it's not so much about image. You can shoot great landscapes and still have good 'urban' photography. Just my 2 cents on it, anyone, feel free to argue, etc.. An old one for the ranting -
  3. "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to mn1_fuckos again." Sorry dude, all propped out. Haha. Anyway, I think you should stick to the stuff you're shooting at the moment. It's good, like Lorem said, it's not the money maker but it's the raw shit. Weddings will make you big cash but you have to change your whole branding/image to market for couples and then you end up having to put together little 'wedding packages'. Prints, slideshows with music, web galleries. That's just my bias towards it, but what you're doing is dope. Events would be good though, on a whole different level to weddings. Stuff like what you're doing can lead to journalism gigs, magazine work, 'street style' fashion shoots.. You won't end up living the high life but you'll be living the life! Just my little rant for the day. I'll post some shit once I get some rolls developed.
  4. http://www.electricretard.com http://www.fagart.org/ Lots of nonsense
  5. Yo Spaceman, can you PM me your flickr? I added you once but got a new account for personal stuff, always love your black and white stuff. All those ones you shot in the snow are some of my favourites I've seen on here. Cheers dude
  6. http://www.carsales.com.au/all-cars/private/details.aspx?R=9151303&__Qpb=true&Cr=5&__Ns=pCar_RankSort_Int32|1||pCar_PriceSort_Decimal|1||pCar_Make_String|0||pCar_Model_String|0&keywords=&__No=45&__N=1216%201246%201247%201252%201282%20443%20898%201506&silo=1011&PriceTo=443&seot=1&tsrc=allcarhome&__Nne=15&trecs=4512&__sid=12AE835EC20E
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMlWpU-ccYQ&feature=related Don't forget to say "I love you mum"
  8. It sure is man, my main 35mm SLR. Always take it out. Found my dads EOS 5000 today while rummaging around. Must have been sitting on the shelf for 10 years now. Haha. 3rd photo in that set is good, nice subtle lighting. And r1char, wasp photo is sick. Good colours and.. Scary wasps
  9. A few of my tools Taken in a homemade lightbox
  10. Cheers, so hard shooting from the back but couldn't be bothered to move. When zoomed in aperture was stuck to f/3.5, not happy.. Haha. Ah well, should be shooting more shows soon with the d300s
  11. Some shots from a show last night, taken with a G11 chilling at the back of the room. Was shooting to get the whole atmosphere, too hard to get good detail with the camera/light/spot...
  12. D300s is a sturdy machine, you'll love it. Dropped mine off the table at a pub, about 4-5ft onto concrete with the flash popped up, not one scratch. Checked all internals and shot for a week solid after that. Hahah, love it.
  13. Cheers JB, film's always felt a bit more natural but pushing to get better with digital. Menino, killer shots as usual. Great documentation of daily life. Dope Nikes Mercer, I thought my shoes were dirty hahah..
  14. Nice set Artifacts. From today, http://www.flickr.com/photos/joelwphotography/
  15. da1lyoperations


    Would love a pair of these
  16. http://www.flickr.com/photos/joelwphotography/ I'll get round to going through this thread and checking out all your pages this arvo, seen a few. nice stuffs
  17. Good movie but Zodiac goes for ages, I'd watch it again but it takes some real sitting down and concentrating to watch. Picked up 'Let The Right One In' the other day, sick movie. Much recommended.
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