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Chicken McFucketts

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Everything posted by Chicken McFucketts

  1. s-s-s-s-sm-smmmaa-smaa-sma-smatrash
  2. all jokes are old. I've never heard this one before.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEkM1B-51xk
  4. that's a nice label. I could go for a good beer right now. Any suggestions? Nothing dark.
  5. yeah fuck computers. Thinking about selling mine, and buying a slow ass note book or something. Or an iphone.
  6. ^reminds me of Q-brick, skids can't find better flicks, props to whoever can.
  7. Just watched it, thanks for the heads up. Decent flick alright, not your usual action movie, predictable enough to be able to follow the story line while high, and not miss out on too much. Funny enough to giggle a bit even if sober. ps. took me a while to figure out who are these Bruce Tracy and Willis Morgan fellows. /braindeadoner
  8. some of these would get straigt up annoying after the second time around. To each his own, I guess...
  9. Espn it is, get it crackin and send me the info.
  10. you somehow remind of cartman when he went to casa bonita
  11. I meant like some of your own, shit that you can't find on the internet.
  12. I'll be lurking, can't watch on tv, so we'll see. Don't know who I'll be rooting for.
  13. 89 bucks worth of cheap beer. edit: oh yeah, ebay. markers?
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