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soul vice

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Everything posted by soul vice

  1. ^^^ http://thecomeupbmx.net/ http://thecomeupbmx.net/ http://thecomeupbmx.net/
  2. I need a cheaper rear brake, what can you cats recommend
  3. Nah too expensive for right now. I'm just gonna get a set of those Fit wheels, fuck QBP. I Love My Bicycle, documentary on FBM. Only online for a week (I don't know when the week started though) so DON'T SLEEP!
  4. Fuck off Random you have bikes with wheels already :lol: I want that wheelset!
  5. Re-ordered some shit today because a lot of the stuff I wanted was out of stock at QBP. Ordered Flybikes Tierra Bars (same measurements as the lumberjacks, but slightly cheaper), black Aitken seat, the same Stolen team cranks but raw, and a raw flybikes seatclamp. Edit- I know I build slow as fuck, but believe me I want this fucker done ASAP! Real stoked to get out and shred.
  6. That first quote is awesome, Mike Tyson FTW
  7. :lol: Thanks for the good looks Hullucination... Fuck it, I want a Jeep B)
  8. I don't know a whole lot about cars, and this seems to be the biggest car related thread in ch. 0, so I figured I'd ask your advice. I'm looking for a new car, an SUV. Something along the lines of a Jeep Cherokee, except maybe with better gas mileage and not unreliable. Oh, and also something I would be able to find used. You guys have any recommendations? Should I just buy a fuckin' Jeep, are they not as bad as I've been led to believe?
  9. Haha right on, I've already got one of those for when my MTB's on a rack. QBP keeps fucking me with out of stock items, so I'm still waiting on a lot of shit. Only my seatpost and stem have come in lately.
  10. Random you commute by BMX right? Any tips/strategies on locking?
  11. That dude had the worst Asian accent I've ever heard... shit was stupid.
  12. You have a lever too? How much would you want for the brakes and a lever if you've got one?
  13. What'd you do with that Subrosa? Shit looked dope, I'd love to see it built
  14. Today I ordered these (Black) Stolen Team cranks, in black, because QBP doesn't carry Primo anymore :mad: and an Oddy Senior 2, railed, black. Gonna look fly as fuck on a flat black frame with red wall Aitken's :D
  15. I searched "The Wire" and looked through like 3 pages and couldn't find shit, woops :lol:
  16. Believe me I want to, don't have quite enough cash flow to do it all at once. It should all be together in another couple weeks.
  17. Re: Marceaux for Governor. http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=135815
  18. I could have sworn that there was a thread about this show a while back, but I searched and didn't find shit. I'm a little late to the game, I'm just finishing season 3 and I'm hooked. Appreciate this shit, easily one of the best crime/drama series to come out in a long ass time. Not to mention some of the best characters on any show, ever. Case in point.
  19. Fork and chainring came in today, going in tomorrow to order seat, seatpost, stem, bars, and a brake. And to re-order the cranks, because they don't make powerbites anymore even though they're in the QBP catalog :lol:
  20. I get the feeling this is going to fail horrible. It's not possible to top the original comics.
  21. I clipped a wart (at least i think that shit was a wart) off of my index finger, won't stop fucking bleeding
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