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soul vice

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Everything posted by soul vice

  1. Zombie frame was out of stock so I'm ordering the 781 instead. Gimmick B is gimmick but it's whatever.
  2. DK makes a real dope looking raw frame. I can't copy the image, so just click on the picture. http://www.dkbicycles.com/frames.html?frames/dk_kachinsky/main.html
  3. I need everything man, I'm just buying a frame haha. I work in a shop so I can get a lot of shit cheap, but if you have anything that's a particularly good deal I'd be down.
  4. I love the look of raw bikes, but I don't feel like stripping it and I don't have the cash to get it stripped. I'm content with black with some low key sticker action. Random I'm pretty new to this shit, got any suggestions as far as entry-level parts?
  5. I don't give a shit. I like flat black, and I'm not about to strip and paint a new frame because some fucker thinks my bike looks "stolen."
  6. planning on removing decals no matter what frame I get. flat black ftw
  7. Picking this up soon. Recommend me some cheaper components, I've got access to anyone on QBP and Demolition.
  8. soul vice


    This is the most stupid shit I've read in a long time. The whole "I DON'T CARE LOLZ" doesn't really work when you're challenging dudes to meet up and fight... Face it POZ...
  9. soul vice


    You folks need to work on your reading comprehension skills... The other dude pressed charges on him. /notthatireallycarejussayin
  10. Gary Fisher is a sponsor because it's Ray's Mountain Bike Park.
  11. What's the word on Volume as a company? Good shit? I'm thinking about building up a 20", fuck it. Thinking about this- http://www.volumebikes.com/frames-781.html
  12. So stoked for the new season... a couple months ago I discovered this shit and watched all 5 seasons within a couple weeks.
  13. Re: WTF happened to hot girl / Boober / Hipster chick threads ... aka The best threads on This thread - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHIZ2Jl2vuQ
  14. Shit is progressing into smaller wheels anyways, it seems like they've grasped the point of a BMX bike. This is the newest frame on the market, 26" specific Looks fun as shit with a freewheel!
  15. Ah thanks Boats, and that's dope Click. You should send me a blue ALSOKNOWNAS one homie :p
  16. Females also talk a lot of shit about what other people wear. You do you, I'll do me, but shut the fuck up on that "I'm better than you because I dress different" tip.
  17. I mean I guess they're doing some cool shit, but it's nothing that hasn't been done way better on BMX bikes or dirtjump. I just want a frame I can commute on and hop curbs and shit, skinny tires don't compute with me.
  18. I was lurking on a fixed freestyle forum (for info on a frame, I'm not into it) and most of those dudes came from rollerblading, they referred to it as "skating" :lol: :lol: :lol: If that doesn't show what kind of group that is than I don't know what does :lol:
  19. soul vice


    :lol: Exactly my thought process. I was like "What is this shit? A $42 bar end? OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...."
  20. Yeah this is about how mine is, shits waaay more comfortable with a little bend.
  21. soul vice


    http://prollyisnotprobably.com/2010/07/product_review_pentabike_musts.php this thing is dope....
  22. What kind of knife is this? Too dope. And click, where did you get 12oz stickers?
  23. ^ This... that shit isn't funny and it sure as shit isn't "legendary."
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