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soul vice

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Everything posted by soul vice

  1. So it's probably worth it to just invest in non-DX lenses for the longevity factor... I think this will be my next purchase http://nikonusa.com/Find-Your-Nikon/Product/Camera-Lenses/1913/AF-NIKKOR-20mm-f%252F2.8D.html After this... http://www.nikonusa.com/Find-Your-Nikon/ProductDetail.page?pid=4802
  2. Can someone explain this DX sensor Nikon shit to me? I'm looking at lenses again and it's confusing as fuck. Should I avoid a lens if its DX specific, or will that not make a difference on a non-DX body?
  3. Re: a tranny is giving me a handjob right fucking now!!! Yeah you're right. On this at least, I wasn't fucked to read the rest of the proof.
  4. Went shooting tonight, some of the same places but with a tripod/at night This is the only shot that turned out really well, there's some more on the flickr. http://www.flickr.com/photos/46890878@N05/
  5. Fuckin' around with longer exposures
  6. Just watched tonight... fucking excellent.
  7. http://www.flickr.com/photos/46890878@N05/ The flickr... add me or whatever.
  8. Yeah it was real dope to see something that blue in a place so dusty and grimey and shit. Planning on going back sometime later with a tripod to get some long exposure on that roof, that clock tower looks crazy lit up at night.
  9. Went exploring today... This one's super grainy, it was real dark in there. Control room type deal. Roof.
  10. soul vice


    I don't usually fucks with the whole props thing, but this is a negaproppable offense. Tony Paco's FTW. And Toledo's definitely not a ghetto...
  11. It was good until it got to the end, and then they completely fucked it just through the music they chose. They spend the whole movie showing how war fucks these guys up and makes them so desensitized they can't handle anything else, dude leaves his fucking family to go back and fight again, even says he doesn't love them anymore or whatever, and then they glorify it with some bullshit music? That ruined the whole movie for me.
  12. The Hurt Locker was fucking stupid....
  13. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD :D Digging this new haircut she's rocking too...
  14. I'm really digging the DOF on that fishing pole one
  15. It's been posted before but...
  16. For my next purchase I'm debating between the Nikkor 35mm f/1.4 or the 20mm f/2.8. Obviously what I like about the first is the low-light performance and maybe a little more versatile for a FF, but I'm also attracted to the wideness of the 20mm... however it is also about $100 more expensive. Theres also the AF 35mm f/1.8, and that only goes for around $200...
  17. soul vice


    The summer kicks, holding out till it's not so rainy and shitty... You know you're cheap when you're jumping at $40 shoes on sale for $30 :lol:Peep the pitiful vinyl collection in the background...
  18. Yeah, I spoke with both of them for a little bit when they played in my city, real solid dudes. Wreak Havoc does indeed destroy shit.
  19. If anyone wants me to put 'em up, I have the Homewrecker 7" and both Wreak Havoc albums. I'm thinking about making a mediafire or w/e to put up vinyl shit once my collection grows.
  20. I've been taking this for 3-4 months now, 2 1/2 scoops after I'm done working out. I've done squats before, but like you said above I was doing them on a smith machine so I didn't get very good form and just kindof stopped doing them.
  21. I'm thinking it was because it was the first time I've benched/ran hard for like 5-6 weeks, I had surgery recently that wouldn't allow me to work out.
  22. I hit the gym today and ran real hard and then did 2 sets of benching and started to feel real shaky/nauseous, and I saw stars for a bit when I stood up. I just went home after that, I wasn't trying to push my luck and pass out or some shit.
  23. Does anyone have the Bronson 335 and Life Set Struggle split? I doubt anyone will but it's worth a shot. I can't find it anywhere.
  24. For chest usually bench, flies, and then standing cable pulls. For arms I'm doing a downward cable pull (triceps) preacher curls and pull ups (biceps) and a forearm curl. For back I usually do deadlifts, bent-over row, and seated row. For legs I'm doing leg press, extensions, standing calve raise, and a leg curl. And for shoulders I do shrugs and a dumbell press. For most of these I'm doing 3 sets of 10, I switch it up sometimes though.
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