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Lewis and Clark

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Everything posted by Lewis and Clark

  1. LOL @ BOATS oh and tagbattle forfeitted me... jeez !!!! If youre having trouble loading games n shit, goto app and clear cache it'll have to reload everything for you, fixed my problems after that update.
  2. you paid to much attention BUT NOW YOU ARE A KING!
  3. at work. hung over. 4 more hours. then FUCKIN RAGE AGAIN!
  4. http://www.cracktwo.com/2011/04/25-abandoned-soviet-monuments-that-look.html yeah you cant live in these, but they are fucking sweet and i wasnt gunna start a thread for them. check the link out, more in there
  5. hahah what the fuck are you driving morton
  6. it says channel zero but its not channel zero. WHERES ALL DA MERO?!
  7. fucking WWF updated yesterday and totally fucked all my games up. some games says word played 27 days ago.. even though it was 6 minutes ago, and also not updating other games. so if i dont play in a day or two. be easy
  8. how do i get one of these? AND ACTUALLY now that i goto the article and see how its used, thats sketchy shit. I got popped last summer and the dude took my phone and wallet and went thru everything i had, when i got the phone back i called my homie and said i was calling the laywer.. that made him back off a little sketchy. cops are stupid and need all the help they can get.
  9. yeah no quitting you'll get called out! its all luck of the draw on this shit you people gotta use your 's' better. anyone know screen shot apps for andoird? /inbeforethegoogle
  10. friend screen prints these. fucking 10color damnn
  11. at my desk at work. playing WWF w/ a few oontzers heading to festival at mountain for weekend. just mixed a redbull/vodka for the last hour thinking about dropping doses into it.. listening to MF doom.
  12. Posts: 1,614 Join Date: Feb 2011 almost more posts than me, and you been here for a month. really?
  13. congrats.. but college.. thats so 95'
  14. lewisclarko is my name on that. if you play me shout your SN
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeSJLlhCH7Y
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