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Sleazeside Heights

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Everything posted by Sleazeside Heights

  1. all this stuff is basically still running too. Looks like i've been holding out on you, I was saving it for a special occasion.
  2. This prompted me to look through and find some stuff to share. All were taken recently, but they look really old.
  3. Phoe, that's some next level stuff right there. props. That highway spot you got is no joke either, saw it in person recently.
  4. haha for sure. I just uploaded a whole bunch, should be some good ones though.
  5. that's what happens when you take them at WARP SPEED!
  6. thanks. If I wasn't a drunkard, I probably could do it myself.
  7. dude doesn't get it. Alcoholics by nature can't do moderation. I recently posted that if i can limit myself to so and so drinks, i'll be ok, and keep it in control. It can happen, I've done it before, and there is a realistic hope in that I believe. Most times that's when I'm with friends or whatever. I just got home from bar-hopping tonight. When I'm alone, it's a different story, cause there's nothing to keep me from wanting something more. A lot has to do with trying to want to meet girls at the bar. I always want to do that, and the girls I end up meeting are terrible, and it's just depressing. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
  8. I'm beginning to work on a zine. I have two volume ideas, one mostly jersey based, and another from all over, mainly found stickers, and anything focused on good or funny catch phrases worth printing. It will be appropriately titled "Sleazeside Heights." diy and black and white. If anyone has any stickers or work they'd like to scan and pm them i'd be interested to see them.
  9. kids still peeking through. I had a bad day, seeing kids graffiti always cheers me up. Rest in Peace KIDS.
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