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Sleazeside Heights

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Everything posted by Sleazeside Heights

  1. 5:00 Friday...Happy weekend everyone! here's a few randoms, as requested. enjoy!
  2. 40, Just took a new batch of pics recently. I'll share a few after work. Rainy day, good day to stay in bed, order food, and watch movies. Shoulda called out.
  3. hahahahahahahahahahahah this is great.
  4. this page is nuts ! Bump Wu-Tang and Chief Piggum.
  5. i think jasf has a jersey highway spot i've seen. anyone got the flick?
  6. wife lookin' good, wana teabag her.
  7. you fbr kids should post some of those gems in the spellouts thread. You put up some good ones on this thread recently.
  8. Gonna check out Prognosis Negative tonight.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttk2yyBoJjk
  10. Seriously. Elvira is the ultimate smash.
  11. YES! my favorite. I might have to go through and post up some faded stuff. Really feelin that Chip, Waer, Sek, and Ntel. yo it may not be old school quite yet, but 2003 is 8 years ago. 8 years! Time flies people. Before you know it, lots of stuff we see now will be history one day, and kids will yell at other kids for raggin' that stuff. The circle of life.
  12. or severely up the alcohol consumption.
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