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Sleazeside Heights

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Everything posted by Sleazeside Heights

  1. fuck yeah punk rock looking girlfriends.
  2. bump drunk mexicans. they are fun to drink with, even when you can't understand what they're saying.
  3. OHHHH YEEEAAAAHHH!!!! RIP BROTHAAA! those TAF boys are crazy. bump that. feelin' those grisle throws also.
  4. It's a small world. It really is... don't hate where you come from. look at Jersey representing. sometimes an attitude adjustment can work wonders, look at the positive side of things. The weekend is here, Happy Friday everyone!!!
  5. Morrissey quotes. speaking of, whose got that Morrissey straight letter that's running. thought that was pretty funny.
  6. and props to Dillinger 4 for sampling that quote.
  7. Wow, Kato Kaelin recently got breast implants. Doctor did a great job.
  8. i wouldn't call a sidebusted tag "mad respect" just sayin'.
  9. Anyone got any more old Royle and Dube flicks? I know i've seen the willowbrook joint posted here before. someone do it up!
  10. true, but on that wall color they just look like hollows.
  11. sleazeside heights is probably a broke ass graffiti nerd with nothing better to do with time on his hands.
  12. very nice dune! yo, I flicked this tag recently, that you?
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