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Sleazeside Heights

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Everything posted by Sleazeside Heights

  1. No Skinny Females. that's what i'm talkin' about.
  2. Nigga was J-Walkin, and got bagged. be careful out there boys.
  3. There's gonna be a lot of "DP" behind bars with big Black Bubba and co. as cellmates, hahah.
  4. Swif, here's the report. Great day. woke up at 7am instead of the usual 3pm, got coffee and went on a job hunt. Handed in a few applications that look promising. ate lunch outside. flicked graffiteez, talked to strangers, etc. Felt productive.
  5. and skateboarding. I need to skateboard at least 3 days of the week. maybe try and get ill on vert.
  6. My contract expired, and I wasn't hired on full-time. Left me pretty bitter to say the least. I flick graff and try to exercise to pass the time. I have just been trying to get out of the house every day. Workin' on a zine here and there. few hobbies, but not enough to fill my needs. that image is what's up. I'll keep that in mind tomorrow. See what I can do.
  7. You're right. It is ultimately up to me. But I need motivation. I can't get there by myself. I can only sit in this room for so long without being restless. With no prospects on the horizon, it seems it doesn't matter if I get drunk or not, and i look for the temporary satisfaction the feeling gives me. Even a week sober, while somewhat empowering, doesn't change the fact I'm a loser who 'aint got shit on his plate. If I had somewhere to direct that, it would not solve my alcoholism, but greatly change my priorities I think. I couldn't drink like I did when I had a 9-5, it really helped keep me away. I think I need something that feels better than the feeling alcohol gives me. know what i'm saying? But I hear you too, at the end of the day all you have is yourself, and you gotta do what's right. I need a boost to get there though.
  8. Went a week sober, gave in with a bottle of wine today. It's almost gone and I want more. Depression leads to alcohol, and alcohol leads to depression. it's a losing battle and I'm not strong enough to fight myself. I need a job, and a girlfriend. Honestly, without the both of those driving me towards a greater good, and wanting to do better, I have nothing to work for. I need something to make sobriety worth something. I'm happy I made it a week, but at the same time it doesn't feel like it accomplished anything, cause I'm in the same place.
  9. I remember the mullen vs. daewon song videos. damn, that goes back.
  10. yeah, look at those boobs in the pink bra. smassshhh.
  11. Yo that one with the rocks was incredible.
  12. nice. too many people don't use force fields any more. It's real popular to do black fill white outline with no shell, but i think that looks so naked. good tips boss.
  13. ^ You're the best poster on this messageboard. always have me crackin' up.
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