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Sleazeside Heights

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Everything posted by Sleazeside Heights

  1. just upped some dfine pics. RIP. bump to the next page if they don't make it. sorry if they came out blurry. camera was crappin' out.
  2. syracuse, just sleep in the shrubs.
  3. it's like they built that with writers in mind, haha. nice lil platform. and that crooked awning graffshow posted.....would skate.
  4. those XSM joints are straight Murder. best letters in a long time.
  5. that's so weird, i'm usually not tryna share my liquor. I also was sober all weekend. I hit up the mini ramps and learned a few new tricks. I was so beat afterwords and all my muscles were sore, drinking was the last thing i wanted to do. plus it felt good to get exercise and release natural endorphins. All the halloween parties got cancelled due to snow. So that was that. I am drinking wine tonight, just chilling, working on some projects. not getting crazy.
  6. making the best out of a bad situation.
  7. ^that unfinished takes me back. dude was all filled in too, bummer. Friday Night Flick Time.
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