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Sleazeside Heights

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Everything posted by Sleazeside Heights

  1. does anyone have flicks of anything to the left of where the last bridge is? looks like there may have been something down the tracks, but i never made it. just wondering.
  2. that t-shirt must say "MAKE IT URINE."
  3. RIP MCA. huge loss. Beastie Boys did their thing, true originals.
  4. this page is so tasteful. except for that rock of love girl, hahah. I guess you can't can't have class and be on that show...as well as a charm school dropout, haha. but yeah, rock on!
  5. That's not Pat, it's Bryant Gumble.
  6. Cheating on his own wife. I wish someone got him on a surprise interview when they caught him. "So what are you doing here at this sleazy motel chris? does your wife know you're here......."
  7. Working again, so that's good. I took a walk around last night maybe tryna grab a beer and saw all the craziness of St. Patrick's day. Seeing all the fights, jocks, and general drunken boneheads really turned me off to it. So I went home and chiled with the dog sober. I was interested in all the skanky women though, oh well.
  8. No toilet paper, aint that always the way. Brilliant description of "the move."
  9. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! This is a reality show that is basically like the show lifestyle. These women have fancy expensive parties for their dogs, and there's drama and bitterness, it's fucking disgusting! [ing]http://www.doggiemoms.com/Doggie%20Moms%20Logo_WebSplashPageCropHiRes-6_091011update.jpg[/img]
  10. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! Beautiful animal. I'm sorry for your loss dude, that's rough. Keep a lot of pictures around and remember the good times.
  11. Q: What do you call MEK when he's drunk? A: Makin' Easy Spills. Q: Who are the AAW kids going to vote for this year? A: Serak Obama. Q: Why can't the HRV crew paint any faster? A: They don't have two ARMS. Q: How did FH win the swimsuit competition? A: One of the judges was BYASED. Q: Why did SEK argue with the umpire? A: Because he was OUT. Q: What did MAYHEM name their new yoga center? A: Kemos Therapy. Q: What's DR. SEX's favorite band? A: Letters to Cleo. Q:Why did DZEL go out with his crew-mate's ex girlfriend? A: She didn't want t date a LOSER anymore. Q: What do you call Snooki's vagina? A: Sleazeside Heights. Q: Why didn't DEZEM pass his math test? A: He didn't TRI hard enough. Q: Why is WAKO a good lookout? A: Because even at home on the couch, he's watching CB4. Q: What did ELET learn from experience? A: That NSYT is 20/20. Q: How log will FEETZ be a toy? A: 'TIL THE COWS COME HOME!
  12. Totally had those. I remember them being awkward and kinda hard to skate if i remember correctly. genius design though. used to skate these in Grandma's driveway. RIP.
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