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Everything posted by laughslast

  1. Politiratti. Don't know if i am one, but I am personally intrigued. I think the country is growing. I know that there can sometimes be a delicate balance that I feel like can somehow be shifted. There are other things going on that kind of interest me. I think there are new congress people that were put in too. like they replaced incumbents. I try to not look to deep into it and just think of where I am going and how to make it work. I think he isn't so bad. Not the worst and not perfect. I think he is a little fucking weaker than I thought. Fuck it man it is your last term, go balls to the wall. allow same sex couples to petition their significant others to become citizens. end nuclear proliferation. allow investigations from coroner reports of people killed by police officers. and meaningful changes made. smoke a joint. fuck it do something cool and good for the world.
  2. Educated for society in 1990 is misspelled......womp womp
  3. So where I live is a right to work state. Essentially it means that you can be let go for no reason whatsoever. It also means that when you get fired you are entitled to your back wages immediately. So if your fired on a Friday it is easier to put in a check request on a monday or wednesday to ensure that you pay someone off completely. Just my thoughts on why friday. plus you get a week of work out of someone while you look for a replacement so you shorten the amount of time transitioning.
  4. http://m.trulia.com/property/3082345825-4480-W-Bath-Rd-Akron-OH-44333 Link to the listing. Doesn't mention dahmer. The granite counter tops actually are pretty nice. The rest of the house kind of has a get your face bashed with a crowbar and dumped among the foliage feel though
  5. Why would ”being really into college football” be the reason someone has an opinion about pedophilia? I'm also pretty sure it was from the view point of an educator and appropriate action from there. You know.....since this happened at a school and all.
  6. Burned myself on the seats of my car today. 104 today but the sun is down now and it is super nice. It will stay over a hundred until september. Grapes in the freezer are the best snack right now.
  7. My roommate loved natto with raw egg. Didn't taste that bad actually. Just the idea of salmonella was not to appealing. Smells awful though imo
  8. That is bad for boxing. What the fuck kind of decision is that? Atleast he knows how Marquez feels. Were the fuck did he get November 10th
  9. Dear vanilla crunchy beezy, Please shut the fuck up on you geopolitical social analysis. Thanks<3 ll
  10. Every once in a while a thread like this is made and there are always comments like, ”WHY DO YOU HATE COPS/THERE ARE GOOD COPS/NOT ALL COPS ARE BAD” Perhaps I'm ignorant but the police in my city killed 31 civilians last year, including a kid handcuffed and on his knees. Maybe cops are not as trigger happy where you live and thats cool. However, a cop is still someone who controls and regulates how you live. I don't understand how you would enjoy someone controlling you. Much less someone controlling you with the constant threat of force. My cousin got placed on academic probation and thought about joining the police department. My uncle kicked him out of his house. my uncle broke it down like this, that he wasn't going to have any son of his become part of a group of fucking idiots that enforce laws they don't abide by or understand. However, if YOU want to be subservient to idiots by all means, you do you.
  11. Yeah but carlo was a wife beater a fucking pregnant wife beater at that
  12. So I got to about page two when the vegan/soy/man boobs/bpa/meat started. On that note my friend went to the doctor and they told him he had diabetes, take all these fucking pills/shots whatever. He is like no I'm not taking this shit I'm just a fat fuck and need to loose weight. So he just went vegan, not super strict and once a month/week? he eats whatever he wants and started working out. He went back to the doctor after losing like 40 lbs and they were like ummm no you dont have diabetes. So just eat healthy and get enough protein. Also tahini gravy is made from legumes, has tons of protein and doesn't taste half bad.
  13. Snapping turtles and frozen cookie dough.
  14. ummm yeah its 2012 who the fuck needs to front like they are buying a dog toy?
  15. Saw this the other night Which reminded me of this
  16. No not a dumb question. There are all kinds of consultants. What I do is I take what I know about where I'm from, layout, make up, dynamics, business deals, working relationships whatever and make it my fucking business to know whats up. Then I find whoever and whatever is trying to make a deal, turn a higher profit, operate more efficiently and I pitch myself to them. Pretty much take a cut of whatever profit or benefit I can provide them.
  17. I worked a few jobs as an independent consultant over the past year and a half. This is what I learned from it. Get EVERYTHING in writing. Some people didn't even give me 1099s. Just poof into thin air once the work was done. Keep your own records and stay on top of your taxes. Right now I have to do a lot of work and maybe I'm lazy but find someone good to just handle that shit. My boyfriend does freelance production stuff, sometimes it takes 45 days to process an invoice. So be very aware of when you will actually see the money. I personally was dicked out of a contract early on so I would not feel comfortable with that lag. There are some benefits to doing whatever it is you do independently, freelance, as an independent contractor whatever. Mostly the negotiation power for what you make and clearly outlining what you are getting paid to do. At the end of the day save like a motherfucker though. In between contracts suck and medical and all that benefits type stuff comes directly from you now. Well best of luck.
  18. This bra turns into a gas mask http://ebbra.bigcartel.com/product/original-red-ebbra
  19. Lolz saw this the other day
  20. Im super sorry man. I wish there was something that could be done Tpbm is kinda pissed at life for the moment
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