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Everything posted by LEVEL 75 PALADIN

  1. Everyone's still here shits crazy. Look at those pants it's like the clock stopped 15 years ago.
  2. Who would have thought that the most annoying advertising possible coupled with mods allowing every thread to degenerate into random pictures just wouldn't work out.
  3. This is some of the most bizarre shit I've ever seen. "Video documentation by local activists and independent media shows that police officers and county deputies from across Minnesota have been picking up young people near Peavey Plaza for a training program to recognize drug-impaired drivers. Multiple participants say officers gave them illicit drugs and provided other incentives to take the drugs. The Occupy movement, present at Peavey Plaza since April 7th, appears to be targeted as impaired people are dropped off at the Plaza, and others say they've been rewarded for offering to snitch on the movement." Warning this video is long.
  4. I can't believe cops won't even fight teenagers at basketball games anymore what nerds. They were obviously afraid.
  5. I can't believe those cops didn't want to lose their jobs for stomping the shit out of some idiot teenagers over a basketball game (how black are you and your friends?). What pussies. Y'all we're smoking weed too? Hard as fuck.
  6. This was my favorite too with the magnets under the table.
  7. Don't drop the bar brah! Are you on /r/fitness? You sound like it. Starting deadlifts this month. Looks boring as fuck.
  8. Cheeseburger wizard is dope. This cat on facebook got this done recently and was bragging how he drew it himself.
  9. Missed the test date last year need to wait until next cycle.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VN6p9oL4dy8#! RAW AS FUCK
  11. Internet on a cell phone like anyone can afford that. This site has been shit since Phernel Morrris. That's why it's dead.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDJ_7VIvk0M&feature=youtube_gdata_player Swag
  13. Just the imgur link from above with a picture of the guy and some more of his work. http://imgur.com/a/98NIp I can't seem to find the original reddit submission now :(
  14. Random ass thread, but I saw this album posted on reddit and thought it was worth sharing. Remarkable work. Full Album http://imgur.com/a/98NIp Samples
  15. Re: You looking at threads? . . . . . . . Fuck lookin at threads, *Swag *Swag *Swag Idiots
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