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Everything posted by Boodah

  1. Picked up this album for my dad, but I haven't gotten the chance to give it to him yet, so I've been listening to it. Pretty awesome.
  2. Where's that Muls guy when you need him? Or DENO for that matter. Or maybe they both work for the illuminati and were just fucking with us.
  3. Davis, CA. Ostrich burgers, like 50 different kinds of malts, garlic fries.
  4. Had a few sausages from Costco. And applesauce.
  5. Tried to sleep, but I couldn't, so I drew, and now I'm wide awake.
  6. Re: random thoughts I know a lot of solddiers that got ghosted in the opiatic static, but, you're too talented to get Mike Jacksoned.
  7. Let her stay and fuck her in the morning.
  8. Men are divided into two classes: those who bask in pleasure and those who suffer. I always associate myself with the latter. -Diderot Not so much a quote as a frame of reference.
  9. Re: random thoughts Lacombe, Lucien is oddly relatable yet alienating at the same time.
  10. I've had an abortion on my account, but I didn't find out until later. If she had kept it, I think I would have been alright, though, since she was a lot older. Anyway, yeah, in this case, I'd definitely refute it being my kid.
  11. Had some good times with you in the old tattoo thread. Too bad it got lost, amirite?
  12. Brownies. The non-special kind.
  13. Re: random thoughts How did Eiffel 65 get on the charts with that blue song, and why do I always remember it?
  14. I have some vanilla almond milk in the fridge that I've been drinking/having with rice crispies. It's pretty good.
  15. Re: random thoughts Having two of your ex-best friends in drug rehab/NA does not bode well for having a good time while living at your mom's house.
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