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Everything posted by BobbyMoney

  1. A good chunk of you CH.0 heads, but I only post when I am drunk. So as long as we can drink that's cool......GET DRUNK!WOOOOOT!
  2. So far as the nigger/faggot debate goes, the only people we need to worry about sayin these words are the people who mean it.93.4% of the relevant population is soooo over this business, just let it go and it will go away, the whole world is becoming more tolerant because of the internet. The only reason this is an issue is because some faggots are making it one, get over yourselfs faggots and niggers. Whiners gon' whine.
  3. Mosquitoes are the anti-christ!
  4. Who cares, half of the Oontz is, apparently you just got here? Pls dont be mad, internet feelings are for babies and gay women.
  5. Driving and oontzing ftw!!! How was that missed? OONTZ OONTZ OONTZ....whilst I drive.
  6. This guy's got nothin on Devastatin Dave, gnawmeaaan, word yo, zip zap rap
  7. lmao good old 12oz, it brings light to my life. Good on ya. Oh and NBB, I care not and....haters gon hate, insert funny pic here, if I was nerdy enough.You mad?.......hater ;) <<<the extent of my internerds
  8. Drunk tank 6 times, tooth chipped from falling into a car, two head gashes, broken nose and face bone and ribs from being punched in the face by 280lb beast, many fights, punch cop in the face go to jail, wake up in a random strangers car, wake up in a bus shack....all in the last year or so. Go me! I win being the most retarded!!byyaaaaaaaaah Don't tell me I have a problem, I'm not THAT retarded that I don't know.
  9. Awesome thread report. You were dead on. Teh props teh are teh given.
  10. Yeah it was a weak fight, if you can even call it a fight.YAAAWN!
  11. hahaha man I suck, it makes me soooo sad.
  12. Yeah!I scrolled past that shit ASAP, how long did you look at dudes dick to judge the size? /extrahomo
  13. Slappy, I tried negging you, I hope I did it right, lol. Lessons anyone? Oh and overrated...ur moms pussy, it ain't what it used to be.
  14. It's MMA, you never know how it will end. I suppose I'd like to see him finish for once, lol, hence the call. Also, dude is a beast he trains like Rocky only wishes he could, someone make a montage, I don't computer enough.
  15. They are talking about changing the name to Manitoba(the province where Winnipeg is) something or other, someone suggested Manitoba Murderers, lol, since we are always the murder capitol of canada. I think it's kind of fitting but also kind of campy, sounds like a roller hockey team or something. GO JETS GO!!
  16. GSP 3rd round sub Aldo 2nd round KO Couture 3rd tko Mats decision Diaz split decision Ellenberger 1st sub Also, any links for this card?House arrest is a motherfucker. Props will be given.
  17. I enjoyed grapes of wrath, I think Steinbeck is great at describing things in such detail but doesn't make it boring like some do. I've begun reading 1984, only about a chapter in, it seems a bit slow so far. Anyone have any thoughts on it?
  18. Don Cherry definitley has this guy beat, look even in one of those pics of "Craig Sagers suits" is of Don Cherry.
  19. From what I could stand....Flight of the concorde much?
  20. Consarnit, kids these days, they don't know the hippin' to the hoppin'.
  21. Here comes a horrible Hollywood portrayal movie, sweeeeet!I'll be first in line!
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