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Everything posted by BobbyMoney

  1. Here comes a horrible Hollywood portrayal movie, sweeeeet!I'll be first in line!
  2. Dayumm Crisis, that gets my vote too....sweet jesus
  3. When is the drinkin of this concoction taking place? I'd like to see pics of this adventure.
  4. ^hahaha To be on topic, not like that store guy, this Pac-man things is alright. I'm gonna make one for my girl and get a BJ out of the deal, win!
  5. Props on doing what you want in life and giving it a real fucking shot sir, mucho goodo lucko. Food lookin good, if you had a smokin hot mamacita server it may give you an edge, also some cervezas (sp?), anywho, thoughts. Good luck on your venture my man.
  6. I didn't really read all the thread but, I once fucked in a movie theatre, it was on a nice Sunday afternoon in a ghetto theatre in my city, aaah the memories. Only like 6-7 people in the spot so me and ex-gf started fooling around and next thing you know she was riding my dillz bitin on my hand to not be too loud, we were in the back row so no problems on the visual tip, anywho, all in all, Jet Li's The One is one of my favorite movies because of this. Good times. Edit: Loving the cliffnotes Mr. Eastwood. On another note, old girl in highschool said she saw soem thing in "cosmo" where if you put an elastic on your mans junk it would intensify the BJ feelings blah blah stupid girl shit, I figured whatever go for it, just blow me. Chick used one of those jawns with the metal in it, long story short, I still have the scar on my dick to remember that shit.
  7. 12OZ MODS for president! Neg'd.
  8. BEING DRUNK!yay for four shots of straight whiskey in the last 15 mins after my hockey game!
  9. ^this, though I don't think he is a junkie at all, I mean he still has his computer right? I think he is an average-ish young dude who wants to come on the oontz and tell everyone how he does acid (which is waaay cool) then after that be emo and try to get advice. I will help him with said latter part, don't come online and tell a bunch of strangers about your average problems, I mean you didn't go to jail or anything, no STD's, no waking up in a random place with something broke or a dead hooker, nothing. Your life lacks the awesome substance that I deserve to read about. Do more crazy shit THEN tell us about it, THEN fix yourself. Real talk.
  10. false, tho I have been into this taco time fajita fix right nah tpbm gave suprise butt secks to the last girl they doggied
  11. haha scurred white kids...also, I don't think some (other) fool surprise punching him was very tough, they's all a buncha weak saggin anyway...on to the next one
  12. Re: fuck my life So you're worried this kid may be yours? If so, man up, happens dude. Other than that, yeah man, your life is far from shit, sounds like. Also, 12oz, really? You thought 12oz would help?REALLY?
  13. Epic Beard Man woulda knocked this dude. Real talk.
  14. Re: Please Support Capt. Honors ^this!
  15. Should just do some good ol' hair of the dog. It's NYE after all, just keep going. :D
  16. BobbyMoney


    Had this thread held any actual importance on world issues that really affect any plans of the so called wicked, anyone who routinley contributed would be monitored. Keeping your "beliefs" on a thread in a barely popular graffiti/pop website does nothing. Though, I am only stating things, there is so very little you can possibly imagine doing to stop the evils at work in our world, if there are any. For all we know everything anyone says of " cinspiracy and evil" may be the work of overly suspicious idividuals who speak or portray well, their worries. Hitler thought it was all "the jews" fault. My two pennies.
  17. Would be props to the "Commodore article" if I could, lmao. Good fucking stuff. Hockey is the greatest fucking sport on this earth and I am not on this thread enough, nuff fucking said.****fuckings added in for hockey cred, if you don't know, now you know.hockeyplayingcanuckoner
  18. Don't have this child unless you are not, a) retarded b) poor, young and dumb. In all likelyhood you're a or b or some combination of both, that is all.
  19. BobbyMoney


    I are want more cupcakes. Yespls.
  20. Robert Deniro = Bobby Money Good actor, good name. That's it. Easy, like yo muva.
  21. BobbyMoney


    Am looking to turn my old ass Sekine into a one gear, any tips? /nohipster I just ride bike a lot in the hotish weather and don't change gears at all. Also I like the look of 'em. Thanks for all the help/funny hate.
  22. Re: Great Pictures~ haha Look at this pic, that one tiger is just having fun, errone else is tryina impress the teacher. Awesome. Also, he got the most skeelz. haha
  23. Two of Canada's all stars, respect where 'tis due.
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