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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. I’ve heard that yes people add flavor to extracts which is something I’m not in favor of. You should be able to pull it from that plant but I’m totally uneducated on that. The only flavor that shows itself I think is them citrusy plants. like I have two rooms full of 3000 GMO clones and just in a rooting clone stage, those rooms are so pungent haha. It’s like a oniony, musty, almost body odor scent. Holy fuck I can’t imagine what the flower rooms are gonna smell like Idk except for what I can say the regulations vary so so very broad state to state and depending on how tight those regs are will determine what can even go into the facility. PA is hella tight. And our testing allows no room for error. So the chemicals that are allowed into our facility are limited. but if you’re buying black market, thats dif
  2. I can’t. I don’t know diddly squat about it. our extraction lab is the last part of the whole design.
  3. Hahaha. hahaha hahah pretty much that. The ole junk drawer of weed
  4. Now Ima have to check to see if we have bubblegum in our library ...
  5. Our flower is now available across the state. got my year performance review coming up in a few weeks already. what a fucking year.
  6. Learning my stains and all that is pretty new to me-I have only been smokin under five years years now. my fav out of that list in which I did have my hand in is that Jet Fuel Gelato x Menthol. What a great day smoker. others that I have not grown- def Presidential OG Gorrilla Glue #4 and we got some fire ass Gelato a while back but never again hands down tho -Wedding came from our Tissue Culture grower. Insanely clean. Grown v well. I use the bong-and it’s a silicon one because A-I can’t break it B- with my facial palsy, the silicon allows a good seal. I can’t form my lips around a blunt/joint/most pipes and I’m a flower girl. I love a good flower sesh. Jus recently started adding wax to the night time bowl occasionally I think these are Jet Fuel Gelato X Menthol.
  7. I didn’t personally buy them but it’s the last thing I shopped for and had bought for me 25 pair with replacement springs
  8. Thanks guise. That’s them big fluffy flakes
  9. The snow was nice earlier FullSizeRender.mov
  10. Good point. Sometimes I forget about that being a factor. I recall now the camp sites we did go to just had their shower houses and some of even their ‘restrooms’ closed.
  11. Im not a huge ‘planner’ when it comes to vacations/trips especially camping n shit. As long as I have a start and end point I’ll figure the rest out as I go. but we are planning another cross country camp trip most likely end of July/begin of august. Normally we just throw everything in the car and jam out bit this one is gonna require a slight more planning. we are flying back to Vegas to get the dogs and hopefully my daughter will be able to meet us in Vegas and roll along. We plan on upgrading our camp stuff this year so we though about once we land in Vegas to gear up with whatever we didn’t pack up and fly with. Def upgrading the tent. Sleep bags. We have some cook equipment that we left in Vegas. I don’t think my kid has been tent camping and I haven’t really been able to spend time with her so I hope she can go. She’s a lil city girl now so this is gonna be great hahaha We are aiming for North Platte. (Departing from Las Vegas) We have a fav campsite up round there that we will spend a few days at. Then cut across to Pittsburgh. But we’ll probably make one stop before that, for one night. Normally when I drive across country I always shot the 15 up to my home town in Utah which is directly along one of these routes. I ain’t trying to fuckin visit n stop by a bunch of people. So I’m gonna x the middle route out. Which means going up through Utah into Wyoming or cuttin through Colorado. wouldnt camping in Wyoming be a lil more windy? It’s the one weather I loathe I haven’t really been good at finding off the grid camp spots and am open to suggestions. We’ve never reserved a spot prior to entering but our last few times out-that factor added a slight level of difficulty and some minor frustration and am wondering if it’s worth it.
  12. Waiting for my covid test results again. enjoying a day to myself that won’t go against any paid time off. I have only taken 5 days off and our paid days don’t roll over. HOWEVER us OGs might be able to roll them over because they knew there wasn’t any room or time for any of us originals to take off I got them yesterday. (Neg) I wanted another day. I’m fucking tired.
  13. My reviews -feedback on the weed I had hands in growing. (I keep a running notebook like these for most strains we try) (copied pasted from my notes) Orange Açaí -great high. Quick high. Smells 100. Looks 100. Smoked a lil hard. Black pepper was the only flavor pulled during exhale. Only. Enjoyed Bobs Burgers even more -able to shut out outside thoughts After taste -about 10 min after-menthol? Not a stale mouth. Wedding Cake Munchies Taste -Creamy. Smooth. Just good. Nasal clear GarlicGrove smooth smoke. Thought we had ice in the bong. (We didn’t) THC sweats. Hot ear/ flushed cheeks Heart race for about 15 min. Stuffy nose. Dry mouth. Dry eye. Good bedtime smoke . In that order. ChemD Hella sticky break up. (In a good way) Delayed high. JFG First smoke of the day at 10a. Via bong. Smells felt looked great slightly airy. Smooth smooth smoke. Forgot water in the bong and it didn’t make a difference. Hit hard and fast and decided it was my favorite after the second rip. Relaxed neck. Puffy eyed Feelin. Might grab a snack. And play phone games. Heightened senses. Pain ease. Long high. TK Dense popcorn nuggies Tasty smoke. Inhale and exhale. Just can’t call it. Flushed face but made cold water taste oh so good. Initially said “would be upset if I paid $$for this and got a weak high with the low thc” and couldn’t have been more wrong. A very pleasantly surprised high. No munchies Tried to fuck around on phone-had really bad blurry vision. Long high. Great afternoon head change Biscotti tastes great. Rich. like a hard bread sweetish-biscotti. (Imagine that) Not long high Sunset Just high. Amorous . Just high Gelato Both of us-initially and throughout the whole smoke said we instantly tasted red sauce. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Fucking red sauce. Crossed eyed high. Flush face. Fast heartbeat. rootbeer most icy. Smells great. Can pick up root beer Burns sweet/rich. Little harsh. But not hard Playful high. Stair legs. Short high. TK was longer
  14. so-this summer we plan on flying back to Vegas and picking up these yahoos. sammy and Bella for sure and possibly Gizmo. it’s gonna be a long ride back
  15. been the lead In propagating enough healthy clones to populate 5/6 flower rooms in phase two. each room housing 1440 plants I’ve been busy y’all! -training a handful of new ones in between all of that. -we were able to lift the limit on how much flower someone can buy -planning to open our third dispensary able to wholesale outside of our county and soon will be across the state. but I hardly touch plants as much as I used to. @Kults keep it up. It’ll be worth it.
  16. I have since cleared out and deleted my flikr and photobucket. Trying to get all my photos into one place now. ps. Pittsburgh is beautiful
  17. Older men are gross and creepy to me. If anyone is gonna be a creep-it’s gonna be me haha. FYI-it can still be statutory seduction if the younger person is not 21 yet and you are outside of a five year range after (younger person) is 16. be safe y’all
  18. With a few exceptions-I’ve only been attracted to/fucked with/dated younger than myself. my current is three years older than my kid we have a 15 yr gap. Do you think it’s different when it’s a younger man/older woman?
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