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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. As we got closer to one of our main destinations today we were informed that the area has been closed effective today. All campsites around Lake Tahoe are closed. Even a lil east of Reno. We are posted in another hotel reconfiguring. Trying to remain in good spirits and finding the positive side of things-grateful that we’re safe but really heartbroken at how severe those fires are and to imagine the damage it’s causing.
  2. lil update. I fell asleep to this last night. sadly that has been one of the few upsides to this trip. Keeping in good spirits and will def provide detailed photo updates. IMG_4927.MOV
  3. Update. this is how it looks after getting a flat five minutes before you reach you’re favorite campsite and discover the rental had no spare and roadside cannot come til tmrw. super grateful as today could have been way worse. We could have been further away from a motel also the HP that pulled us over didn’t discover the zip that was within 2 ft of him plus weapon weapon. Will provide more updates and photos
  4. Is this what you’re referring to? i really don’t know, however, it looks like how the Spotted Lantern Fly larvae is described.
  5. This is a Google image of a borer’s track marks on top of the heartwood which you can see is exposed because the bark has chipped off of the tree due to cambium interruption.
  6. just gonna guess that it’s the type of worm that killed that tree. That carving made an opening that allowed pests to get in. A type of borer Similar looking to a caterpillar. that caterpillar will lay eggs and they will burrow through the area between the heartwood (the part of the tree that develops “rings”.) and the cambium. The cambium is the area that houses the xylem and phloem. The xylem transports the water and the phloem transports the food from the roots to the leaves. when you interrupt that flow, even in a small spot-it’s eliminates that food and water flow. The tree will die much sooner than planned. When those larvae make their way out they travel in that area. You will see little D shaped holes on the outside of the bark indicating it’s exit. like Dutch elm disease that almost wiped out a whole species of trees. And I believe whatever wood (tree$ the Louisville slugger is made of is a dying species (or dead) so hold on to any wooden Louisville slugger you have. It probbaly won’t be made anymore. and currently you should watch for the spotted lantern fly (I’m attempting to drop a link and it’s not working hit I’ll keep trying) also. Don’t transport firewood!! You spread these diseases!!!
  7. Exactly. Where the stem starts at the leaves. yea. Any dead or dying plant matter (including flowers) should be removed from and from around any plant. also. If you see a dying/I’ll branch /leaf or any part of a plant that isn’t doing well, cut it off!! the plant will use its energy to keep trying to repair that instead of sending that energy to new growth. kinda similar to life. we can learn a lot from plants.
  8. I’m sure the same compound that “relaxes” humans is probably a super sleeper for bees hahah. I mean they get all in that
  9. I’ve been thinking of this thread lately. thank you bumping it. @Ko SprueOne A few docent things to do with those depending on what you want your end result to be. Any flower (all of you) should be dead headed (cut it off) after it blooms. If that old flower falls in your plant it could lead to a bacteria or even mold to grow. UNLESS you are trying to get seeds from it. i would harvest those seeds-and cut the bloom off. If you are keeping it-you should definitely be able to give it a rejuvenation prune. All the way down and allow it go dormant in the winter and start fresh when’s it’s time. Im not 100 if you can take it all the way down to the stalk- but just in case leave a few branches with a few nodes so it has some new growth starter points.
  10. I finally decided to pop a few random seeds we have found over the years. Since we don’t know their origin I figured-fuck it. What’s the worse that could happen. 15 out of 16 seeds germinated. I was like - ‘wtd am I supposed to do with 15 fucking plants?’ they rooted through their start pods also so I was shocked. waited for enough root to put in soil pitted them up. theeeeeeen I worked my 12 hr shifts and forgot about them. I am not going to provide a controlled environment so I’m like -if it lives, it lives. welp-we had them in the coolest area in the apt so they went outta sight outta mind for a few days. and that’s the end of that.
  11. Those are beautiful nugs!!! almost a pine cone resemblance we are finally getting ready to run our Bubblegum and get it tested. It’s a super funky plant. Distinct. When I find a pic I’ll show ya.
  12. Afternoon nap forst time seeing these was here at this camp site. I was absolutely stunned and clueless at the same time. I didn’t know it I could touch it or not I ended up touching it. the lil bite marks everywhere this was the rental for that lil getaway. Super fun. And this campsite needed it, as far back as we wanted to go, anyway home bound
  13. When we left there were so many fucking people we couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Went several miles away and found a private campsite. Called Tall oaks. IMG_4358.MOV
  14. We decided to go a few weeks after that so this was about mid August. aimed for Ohio Pyle -known for falls and good trails and handfuls of campgrounds near. when we arrived (the the area to access some trails and see some falls) there were like three other cars in the parking lot. Heading out always a dick also. Don’t do this to a tree. It’s a death sentence for the tree I thought he was off shitting but he fucking did this and you know he heard me for the next 20 minutes ……
  15. I thought that to be true too. (Pond vs lake) Who knows . It was cool either way.
  16. After I got settled in my apt he loaded up the budget and headed this way. We had a few extra days and just took it camping. Just overnight at Raccoon state park. It’s close here. (Plus we have no car) when we arrived it started POURING. We didn’t unpack our stuff yet so we just kicked it in the back of the truck until it passed. Was not mad at this at all. view from inside tent It was mid July. The temp was perfect for sleeping outdoors There was a large pond/small lake at the end of a trail. It had a small island of floating vegetation (I hope video plays. It’s a time lapse of that floating veg island) IMG_2771.MOV At one point I knew what this insect was Upon leaving we noticed we had a widow maker in the canopy above us. bonus: the view as you enter Pittsburgh immediately coming out of a tunnel. It is kinda breathtaking in person and super easy to fall in love with
  17. there is a hallway at work that has nothing in it. I dubbed it “the nap hall” because you could close you eyes and walk about 53 (my steps) before the next door No way to hurt yourself in this hallway. one day someone farted in this hall and I was was offended for days.
  18. Ima continue to jumó with previous camp snaps until we leave. Definitely plan on updating when possible.
  19. 2nd go at this spot in North Platte. it was getting cocked out. we did mushrooms here and I just remember walking around and admiring how perfect the trees were the north Platte empty campsite His view
  20. This is when we had to move back to Vegas. Two years later. October 2019. I was an absolute emotional wreck. This was our first stop just because I was having a breakdown and don’t wanna be anywhere. Some shitty busy campsite. But the location was funny. Especially when Google maps says it
  21. Like. What in the entire fuck. nothing is coincidence. You were meant to be there playing them kinda games.
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