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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. I live next to a brewery that has a frequent food truck of some sort. These were fantastic
  2. I couldn’t catch it while passing but there’s an automotive shop some ways down -in their marquee, it read “PUMPKIN SPICE BRAKES” . 😎
  3. as we continue down towards Las Vegas. As much as we want to check out all the towns along the 95 -we really just wanted to get to our destination. But we stopped for a few quick stops. just flat made me wonder how long it’s been since I’ve had a tetanus shot sand dunes much excite FullSizeRender.mov I’m already miserable but first things first. and later on… next morning was planned for ‘exploring’ an abandoned casino construction site. was a hot spot literally and figuratively so I opt for the ole “I’ll drop you guys off and roll back in a few hours” so naturally… but the dude in front of me had this in his window. Disturbing. I’m pretty sure they have died from heat exhaustion This boy got fat
  4. The ole paint over tile here also and we couldn’t figure out what this beaut of a switch went to IMG_5819.MOV
  5. Thanks. It was def a trip for the books.
  6. After the mushrooms wear off we notice the herd we saw at a distance earlier had made its way to the marshy spot down the way and joined the other, smaller herd. naturally I get a lil closer FullSizeRender.mov then I realize what I have in front of me the new herd that joined are bulls. Aggressive young testosterone filled bulls IMG_5206.MOV The road was no longer a barrier. These mother fuckers advanced quickly. And it escalated to a point where we diced to grab the most valuable bags out of the tent and get in the fucking car we advanced the car and they didn’t care but I had a feeling we were about to lose our campsite/gear to a herd of wild bulls the got within 100 ft and I thought I was about to have a heart attack because even the car wasn’t shit against these bulls There were two lead bulls and it was obvious which ones they were Idk what happened but last minute something steered them away and they walked out of sight. IMG_5212.MOV We continued our night just hangin and dippin a lil. Saw a live frog IMG_5203.MOV the bats rolled in again but we’re definitely more curious of us this night as opposed to last. IMG_5226.MOV I know we lost our mind when we decided to stay another night. But trust. ANY fucking sound outside woke us up. (Or so we hoped) woke up and cleaned up real good. Muddied up the fire pit to make sure it was all the way out. saw them green patches on the way out my heart is pounding writing about them fucking bulls. I reached a level of nerves I didn’t know existed in my body. Hahahaha
  7. What I wish I could have captured was -the thickness of the stars as they came out. Not a light in sight but the stars. Then the moon came out. Washed away half of the stars but provided enough light that we didn’t need a flashlight to walk up to the tub. The old man had tucked away in his trailer and was fair enough distance from the tub (I didn’t care either way) and we soaked in the at tub in complete silence under the light of the moon. There was nothing I have ever experienced to match this. sleep was amazing that night. the cows were back eating across the way. Cool enough in the morning for a soak before it got to hot out. The old man dipped very early so in we went. joined by a news kind of fishing bird. There was a lil school of gold fish swimming in that small current coming off of that tub IMG_5159.MOV When it started getting warm out I went about thigh deep in the larger pond the lil fish swam around your feet IMG_5162.MOV this fade IMG_5169.MOV outside Under the tarp set up I imagine a cow stepped on this frog there were BIG goldfish in this pond
  8. the tub was 95-100 degrees so we decided we would go in after sunset. So many species of birds here. Some lived there. A lot visited. I have pics of some visitors on my camera I’m waiting for perspective the bats started coming in to eat at the bugs over the water, along with a few new birds. FullSizeRender.mov this amazing tree. Just a few around there. Attracted what looked like a large type hummingbird -but then I was trippin because I caught a hummingbird on this tree. Visiting. (pics to come) I knew it had to have some kind of flowers. Tamarisk. (After investigation) it’s flowers. tote came in handy for a work area out here a very old man pulled his trailer in and we figured he’d be here for the night. I dgaf Im still going in that tub tonight.
  9. I nail down 2 more promising looking places that won’t set us too far off of the route; one more than the other. One would keep us closer and allow us to be able to check out one more spot before we land. Reviews prepare us for a 6 mile dirt road that is sandy and washboard-y-to a spot that has no designated campsites and only offers a vault toilet. We’re game. Let’s plan two nights here just to sit the fuck still for a day. We have food water (but the time ‘we got there we looked at eachother and said-we should have brought more water’. (6 gallons) But if worse came to worse we pack up and go. It took almost 30-40 min to travel that 6 mile dirt road. we stop at some abandoned type town on the way and gather some wood for small fire. We know we won’t need wood for heat type of fire. We enter wild cow area. IMG_5054.MOV we start to see some green patches and knew there was some type of water nearby then we find it. Two large ponds and a tub full of mineral water, In the middle of the fucking desert, surrounded by tall grass A steam ran down to across the street (near the drive that enters this area) It feed another marshy area across the street and down the way -where we noticed a dozen or so cows and babies eating on the tall grass. You can see they come around these springs with some old hoof tracks and cow shit occasionally. the cows roamed back into the field and outta sight so I went to check out the stream below while he worked on his idea to get us shade for the next day. There wasn’t a tree in sight there were bull frogs in this stream. It was awesome these are what the cows were eating. Mounds of tall grass that dried over. it was near to see the different plant species in this boggy area I only had my phone so it’s not the best pic-but there was a kookaburra mounted on some grass ( in the center of the pic) he backed the car up near this old tank that was once used to help control overflow of these ponds. he managed to secure the tarp from above so we put our tent under that. I set up tent. He works on fire. High rock and deep well with small rocks inside to guard from wind and make a spot for some good hot rocks to cook on.
  10. we head out - Utah has some really beautiful scenery. The drives have always been nice…… (upside down) ….until this drive. I’ve never taken the 80 across Utah. And I’m sure the smoke had something to do with it. his first time seeing the Great Salt Lake and he was really shocked to see how large it really is. I haven’t seen it in decades and I was still enamored by it. It goes on like an ocean in the distance IMG_4973.MP4 then it was miles of salt flats. (upside down) what I wish I would I could have captured was all of the little sculptures that travelers would do in the salt flats. And spell outs in the rocks. (I even saw a TKO spelled out in rocks haha) Imagine shit like half tires in the ground and painted to look like a snake coming in and out of the white ground. Random parts of shit lost and found assembled to make dozens of lil sculptures along several miles of these salt flats. but caught this big one Another thing I have to wait til I get my camera back for pics (it’s still in Vegas) - I got to see the fucking Morton Salt Factory. (fun fact: the Morton Salt girl is my favorite character ever) Miles of Salt Flats Paired with the smoke -created an unsure feeling. Neither one of us knew whet the landscape was supposed to look like or what it was in front of us so every so many miles it laid itself out. Utah had these along the 80-wildlife walkovers I have a thing for single trees in fields this is when we started calling the CA DOT and learning that certain campsites were closed certain ones only allowed propane fires etc… Once we hit Wendover we called again and the status has changed so quickly that all campsites were closed. I quickly booked a room at a hotel I’ve stayed before with a view that would brighten the mood but that smoke was heartbreaking to think of the damage. we decided that-we would book another night and just explore during the next day. until we called again to learn that all roads were closed now. I sulked in the tub a bit with a drink with the most ridiculous tan lines in my feet Sat in the window and watched this yard work all night. what would Jesus do the next morning the smoke was so bad we were grateful not to be up further in it and just kept pushing. ash on the car. saw this tree commonly and really liked it. A type of cedar. I’ve just never seen it in this structure. I know this is a young one but it was one I could get close enough to another thing I wish I captured in photo was the amount of wild horses we saw on this lil highway comin out of Reno area Air quality so far this trip has been a bust, as this was our main destination. It was seeming to rushed and full of disappointment. The drive to Vegas was my only vacation since I had to turn around and fly back for work. (He has to make to drive back by himself with the dogs.) I told him if we don’t find a camp in the middle of the desert and stay somewhere-anywhere for two days before we get to Vegas or the rest of the trip was going to be more than miserable for the both of us. Then I recall that NV has a fair amount of hot springs and we had between Reno area and Las Vegas to find one……
  11. We just barely reached a point where we could sell clones to another grow here and that’s only because they are a new grow. When your new you have a small smallll time window to get all your genetics and once that window has passed-you can’t bring anymore into your grow. Seeds. Tissue samples, clones. Nothing. So we wouldn’t normally be able to see to another grow but because we were a supplier for a new grow If that makes any sense
  12. Start gassin him up and tellin him how handsome he is. His saltiness will start to sweeten up.
  13. Y’all-I am about to sleep in my own bed tonight.
  14. What kind of turtles were they? They were beautiful
  15. we hit the road - Even tho we know we’ll get reimbursed I told him I’m gonna try to recover money anyway I know how. We blew our budget within 48 hrs. By ALOT. my kid did this for her girlfriends bridal party and was gifted almost $300 was worth a shot We know we won’t make it all the way to our next planned, two day stay and we’ll end up near SLC for the night. I grew up camping in the Unitahs/wasatch mtn areas. Great camp spots so we’re crossing our fingers that we can kinda get set up and just kick it for a bit. we kinda locate one on a map. Had 4 spots only so we’re taking big chance. But there seemed to be a handful of sites on that same road so we planned a backup plan or two. there is a bear warning so I was a lil nervous but what can I do but all I know how to do. we pull in and there is no one there. Perfect. immediately on Bear river. we set the tent up on the right side of this pic you’ll see the river above the rock, second from the right in the pic. temp dropped a bit and then we both realized we didn’t bring a hoodie or anything more than a long sleeve. Ooops. Chilly af. But not miserable. the neighboring site these birch trees are one of my faves. I love the stands of them and the wind blows and their lil coin sized leaves flicker like sequins with their whitish underside. Not to mention how striking the bark is and the smell. again-what I fell asleep to. IMG_4927.MOV Made chili for this trip -mixed up some cornbread mix to pour over and warmed it on the fire perfect camp dinner I know parchment paper is NOT the way to get your cast iron seasoned but I was using it more with the mindset of quick and easy clean up. We just burnt the paper after breakfast and don’t need to clean up the Dutch oven. (and warned up quick with some eggs for bfast) I packed a tote this time with non perishables and cook ware and what not. At some point in the evening a fucking mouse made his way into our car. The next morning there was fucking mouse poop on some items that lead us to search further. this fucking mouse had a whole damn event in our car overnight. boiking water to clean with and having to throw out food and tear that car upside down to make sure the mouse was gone. let’s just keep fucking pushing We ended up regretting not spending another night in this spot The morning mouse fucking clean up made us have to forfeit plans to see a big homie in SLC
  16. Nebraska bound new snacks IMG_4841.MOV We drive about 12 hrs. planned on two nights at this spot. this site is small -not many spots but it has no amenities either except vault toilet. However it sits right in the north Platte. We pull through the campsite to make sure there is a spot. Head back to a gas station to get some more cash broke and ice. We realize we had a flat as soon as we got off the dirt road. no problem. Let’s change a tire-nope. Not today. No spare and no jack. He decided on the roadside package with the rental. (Thankfully) he gets on the phone, I walk up about a mile to the next gas station for some fix a flat. I grab two cans. my walk Roadside assist gave us a few options. 1- buy a tire and we will get reimbursed for up to $200 and up to $100 for a room. 2- Uber to the next city with a budget for a replacement car which could be a couple day event with no guarantees. The closest city was about 200 miles back. (Where we got pulled over) it’s fucking Sunday. Nothing opens til the morning. We have a carload of stuff for travel. Both cans of flix a flat didn’t budge that tire. It had a gash in the inner sidewall, three fingers wide. our options just got real limited. found a hotel about 2 miles away with a tire shop a mile from that. we crawl the car to the hotel and park it. I didn’t know what else to do. while crawling we get to the hotel and now it’s time to reconfigure. so we started to drink and walked around the block a few times to smoke. we just decided that we would spend the an extra day at the next planned spot. we get a new tire. And roll out. heartbroken to leave this site but one day isn’t enough here I went up to the corner store grabbed a frozen burrito and whipped up some eggs for a lil fuel to hit the road.
  17. on the way as we start driving I usually have an idea of an area we will aim to camp. Depending on how long we want to drive that day and how far our next stop might be. We knew our second stop would be North Platte, so either way our second day of driving is usually a looooong haul. I Google map some campgrounds then I check their site and such as far as what we should be expecting. making sure we have broken down cash and firewood and such.there is usually a place nearby that sells wood if the campsite doesn’t. important ***do not transport wood from state to state****Or sometimes even county to county. You will most likely transport a dieses or pest with it that can Cause species loss. Our first campsite was here Coles Creek Campground https://goo.gl/maps/mJTjfeDWcNmsngsL8 It def did not have large spaces and was definitely geared towards rvs/campers. but it was gonna be a short stay so we didn’t put to much feeling into it. it was also raining about half of our stay. surrounded by a few crops. Corn for sure and I couldn’t make out what the other one was IMG_4814.MOV our lil set up Usually when we land -he starts fire. I set up tent. Then start prepping dinner. I’m sure we probbaly had some simple hot dogs for dinner on the fire. B fast is usually my thing since I am particular about b fast and most times cannot wait for fire to built so I cook up some type of eggs scramble on a lil portable propane set up we have. I have some meals planned out for this trip because im stoked about using my Dutch oven A lot of prep went into this trip found my mask from last year in our tent bag (upside down phot of frog) when you camp amongst rv/campers you tolerate a lot. A lot of noise and light interruptions. for instance-our closest neighbor started playing these songs near dinner time “Star spangled banner” ”proud to be an American” (Trump version) Im pretty sure they got up and said the pledge of allegiance He continued with the American themed songs we all grew up singing in elementary school and every American (country) song there after. Any and all you could think of. Light interruptions because a lot of campers use this set up too many people. Not enough wildlife and nature. Not our idea of camping camp had a little area where the park ranger gave presentations occasionally was able to get a peak at the lake/res We got up and smashed out as early as we could. IMG_4813.MOV Nebraska bound. Our fav spot. we had two spots we were really looking forward to on this trip becaue it’s gonna be a while before we come back west. this is one of them.
  18. Mission accomplished I have no idea why the photo is posting upside down and i can’t fix it. HOWEVER. we hit Las Vegas Last night. what a fucking trip. Will organize a few photos and post up PA to NV
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