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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. I thought the gloves were to prevent me from seeing his nail beds haha
  2. im still a lil disappointed in my droopy ass peens but my finger was getting cold and my reach sucks.
  3. @nicklesndimes thank you. i know it’ll happen in time. I always keep in mind some of the major major reasons I’m still there (becaue I know I have the freedom to work somewhere else) I get paid great. I walk to work in 20 min. My team is great. I have an active lawsuit with them. Anything to help build my resume.
  4. Yall I went back to work last week after being out for 6 months. it took one day being back before I realized I really hate my job now. Thankfully I (for the most part) work with some great people. I’m about to hit my 4 year mark in March. Got hired into this startup and now under the umbrella of an MSO. our plants look like shit and the people don’t look happy AT ALL. It’s really embarrassing. someone once told me you cannot hate something unless you have lived it first. It’s also wearing me the fuck out. I’m back up to hittin 15-18 floors a day and 5-6 miles. I am hungry all the fucking time and definitely not getting the intake I thought I would need to sustaiin Work nights I’m up at round 2A to eat because my blood sugar drops. Last week bout took me out yall!
  5. yes 2kitchen chair pushed together with some blankies stacked on the radiator when it gets too warm up there / when we sleep/ when we’re not home, we pull the chairs away from the radiator.
  6. I wonder if it’s (person wearing sock)‘s penis. Like if you wanted a pair would you have the option to upload your own wang? Or you just get some random ween? Hahah those are hilarious.
  7. Now I wonder if my co worker was trolling me
  8. These two, Bella especially, love their window seat. You can catch me up there sometimes too.
  9. The fuck is a clam scrambler? I thought my point was clear. It’s old. OLD. old penis is gross story is back somewhere in the general discussion thread. Last Christmas I got covid and was home sick. Dude had some work to do on the roof and our patio has the only access to the roof. Thinking I was at work he didn’t think to let me know. All I saw was someone climbing into the access but only saw his feet disappear into the opening. I went out and banged the bat on the ladder and was yelling all fucking crazy at this guy He apologized a few times over and over. When I told that story to my co worker he told me to keep a sock on my bat. If you ever swing a bat at someone they will try to grab it. The sock will not allow it. I keep that my fuggin sock on it. Haha
  10. I have never seen either of these sitcoms. I would probably get some of the inside jokes at work if I watch them tho. I’m surrounded by fans ha
  11. Yesssssssss!!!! ha. Yes. That guy. Hahahahahahaha
  12. No amount of shoveled sidewalks will ever lead to me getting close to old peen. I don’t even like peen that is my age. Ew. the banana bread will work. With thank you note. Note will also include another apology for comin out swinging a bat at him last year.
  13. This is a great idea. Thank you. Whatchyouknow bout that banana bread ?
  14. Chefs salad n garlic butter wings that were fried perfectly.
  15. I have a close friend and he told me a long time ago you’re a toy for (minimum) the first 5 years you do anything. ANYTHING. even something as simple as taking photos. if you try to flex within that five years, you will be humbled into greatness (most of it is guidance and some can be harsh guidance) or shook out all together. Never post or boast about your work within that five years. Now that I am well on the other side of 5 years (photos) this theory is understandable. I am inside that 5 years of growing marijuana and it’s even MORE understandable. for scale-dudes been painting for a lil over 25 years and spent more than half those years painting solo whole cars. dude had some good wisdom to pass down.
  16. @Fist 666 this is right on the money. great suggestion. Thank you
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