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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. just put this on caught the beginning credits showing the Obamas as producers
  2. the things some guys do for love. Amirite? ha I knew what to expect going in. Read and seen too many spoilers. pretty intense.
  3. My nerves get got on a lot thought the thread name was ‘random thots’ not ‘Tampons for all’ John, Sam, Nick and Jim to name a few lol get over yourselves edit* i have always appreciated my 12 oz fam and its support even if its simple words. if you felt as if I was attacking you, my inbox welcomes you.
  4. Some of you are getting annoying
  5. As the characters? or the actresses themselves?
  6. -Raised by mother only and I dissolved that toxic relationship some 20 yrs ago -found out my dad lived a few blocks over (wasnt told this person was my dad until I asked when I was 16 and living in Vegas already) -16 yr addiction problem (5yrs clean) -ADD -a fucking running to do list of interests/projects/ideas that I fully encompass myself in then drop for no fucking reason but decide to keep around ‘just in case’ yup. Checks all the boxes. and they’re all probably loosely related. I’ve been able to reign my projects in a bit to limiting them to 3. 1 I am finishing (fine tuning/cleaning up etc…) 1 I am beginning (gathering items/planning/etc…) and 1 I am balls deep into. (This one gets most of my attention) *off topic -it’s very tricky but a way to wrangle that ADD for me is to wait as looooooooong as I possibly can to get a dopamine fix. sometimes I make it to 4pm; sometimes 7am. Haha
  7. Picked this up today. we’ll go through this amount for the season and we’re good. have never had it spiked tho Turners is the business.
  8. Put this on last week and finished it in a number of days. Mad that I watched prior to it all seasons streaming. I’ll give it a second watch when season 3 streams. I just put on some nature doc and IT IS NOT A NATURE PROGRAM UNLESS ATTENBOROUGH IS NARRATING. this lady sucks.
  9. Paid attention to the child to adult ratio in Home Alone in the beginning.
  10. Not to mention it takes up hella storage
  11. Thanks guys. I’ll continue to burn em. A few at a time tho haha.
  12. I’ve lived in this place we’re renting now for 2 1/2 yrs. For 2 previous winters I’ve lit some candles in the fireplace because it’s non functional, provides ambiance and just enough warmth for this room. this year I have loaded it and plan to load more. last night I lit them all up for photo sake then it hit me. (2 fucking winters later). There is a fucking gas line (that is not functional, however gas still runs though our place) I freaked out and now I won’t light any. He says it should be fine because it’s closed off. I’m a hardcore worrier. Should I be? is there any slight remote chance of a major catastrophe here? I feel so stupid for not considering this forever ago
  13. This is in our main room. (4ft) on a table I am not a fan of the star. I like it because it’s lit but the white star and white outline stands out too much ha. lit up pic later
  14. Sam and Bella’s tree. (2ft) the lil wooden ornaments have been with me since childhood Glass for the other ones. One in the other room. (3ft) and it’s highlighted glass ornaments (I really like glass) Lit up pics later on
  15. I dig the wishlist resolutions @Schnitzel This year has forced me to SLOW THE FUCK DOWN and I’m just gonna carry that through into 2024. I move without thought and it’s causing physical pain as I age. GETTING FIT is the goal to help prevent further pain. I’m a fast walker. Fast mover. Fast worker. Even at work some people say-you’re always walking fast-not this fucking year. I also feed my dopamine monster without thought. I’m learning to curve that fix by thinking it through. (Do I really need/want this?….will this benefit me just for now or also in the long run?) If I woulda known was feeding a dopamine monster all these years I would have probably saved a ton of money and /or fat cells. STOP people pleasing. Period. BOUNDRIES. Continue to set them and work harder at controlling them THERAPY of some sort. Meds don’t work.weed isn’t it. (I still love its only benefit right now is to help forget). I need to deal and I need a safe place to talk. My mental heath is at stake and it jumped to a top priority. make side money. write more, also @fat ralphy resolution wishlist Ride the bike Get comfortable with getting in a kayak or something and getting in the water. I’m terribly afraid. Go fishin. Take the Fall drive we have been talking about since we moved here. Even if it’s by myself. Good luck everyone and thank you for being a beam of support in my half ass structured life
  16. It was a brain tumor removal back in 2002 (benign) the gold implant is to assist with closing my eye I had my facial nerve removed with the tumor so my eye wouldn’t close. our eye can naturally fall but it takes muscle to draw the eye back up. The weight was to help the lid fall and also help strengthen the muscles to help raise it. .8 grams 24k mesh is to replace the mastoid bone that’s missing I can feel it if it tilt my head back to look up.
  17. All: @mr.yuck is not doin too bad (holds finger in “ok” formation while winking like a creep )
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