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Everything posted by griteeth

  2. wow, you don't care about the .10 increase in price everyone has been shitting over? meh leftover veg lo mein
  3. honestly did not know bmx was in the olympics. that track made me want to dig out the old GT
  4. where is that rip mca mural? nyc?
  5. the spike strip footage is harsh on the eyes them legs were done. i agree puple sweater fag coulda played it cool and gave 0 fucks over a 100 ticket but wanted to play lawless socialite and got raped by the long arm of john law cop was a faggot for stepping in front of the car, question is that legal? I thought you were able to leave if you could before the ticket was presented?
  6. estrella is pretty tits, went to a spainish/tapas place in astoria saturday and was poured one. pleasant surprise
  7. my girlfriend gets butt hurt when i even mentioned peeing in the shower when she isn't there. if you're not a dehydrated mook your piss actually would be undetectable
  8. actually, this is fairly interesting stuff, if it's not bullshit. swear to god I felt this sensation sitting down after work browsing the web, I try to ignore it for fear that its not good and there is something fucked up going on but then in truth I was able to focus on some normally dull shit for the longest time before i "snapped out of it". /whatever
  9. carrot cake or red velvet cheese cake
  10. 13 pages? psssh u niggas man I feel like I should have an opinion or theory to offer up after so many pages but the truth is really 0 fucks could i give about what happens from here out with this guy. people been putting 911 theories out there since 8:51:32 the morning of 11 Sept 2011 and nothing more solid than the shit I just took materialized. and for the record, I would have been cowering in a pool of my own shit and piss if this happened to me, no shame in that I'm too young and pretty to go man. YOLO
  11. that's the only piece she didn't design :/ just got back from dinner, listening in silence to my girl getting ready because she's pissed off at me
  12. are you gay my nigga? why I wanna do 30 mins of hard labor to get some ass? I could just pull my dick through the pee flap and rub it on her leg. psh lames
  13. also back-burnered this, read a biography on meyer lansky and kinda gave away the story
  14. reading this right now, well written and gives me chills at certain points this was good, very in depth retelling of the story
  15. I am likely to watch less than a minute of any olympic coverage, yawn. if they held the weightlifting it lbs instead of kgs i might think about it
  16. only the trashiest of slores ive met in the sunshine state ever had an alc monitor
  17. this. I go through this exact shit. heart beats fast after getting to 4th floor of walkup..heart attack imminent death certain in deserted hallway 12oz hyperchondriacs unite
  18. that looks like a terrible knife design. any stabbing motion and my hand slips down and i cut my fucking fingers
  19. gynecomastia? HAHA fuck the bullshit scratching shit feels good so do that until it gets unbearable then calamine lotion that area
  20. can't tell whether this show sullivan and son is any good. probably not thread sucks cock
  21. what a middle-aged time you had there.. props for taking pics and starting the thread
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