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Everything posted by Dinoporn

  1. that old lady looks like she is pooping from her head, gnarly
  2. that spot is a joke now, but thanks for blowin up the spot, that looks like garbage, and thats comin from someone who knows the cats who painted that. bump, meeps, kujo, buska anyway.
  3. Im too lazy to post anything, but I though this thread seriously needed a resurrection.
  4. Hell, whats not to like about that? I do cocaine and piss on children all the time, its whats up.
  5. I have long hair for a guy, past my shoulders. For some reason lots of girls that I smoke weed with say that I look like the guy from blind melon... I guess thats a compliment considering he pissed on a 12 year old girl (much like R kelly) and did and shit load of cocaine then died.
  6. God should do use all a favor and kill off everyone on earth who looks like this.
  7. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34617808/ns/entertainment-music/
  8. also as a late christmas present from god, the drummer from avenged sevenfold died today.
  9. Dinoporn


    Carlos Hathcock is the most brutal mutherfucker on the planet! he is the real life rambo. http://oldbluejacket.com/CarlosHathcock.htm
  10. ehhh not the best band ever, definitely not thread worthy. I was never a huge fan of new metal, but my uncle who was like a father to me growing up was the biggest metalhead I knew. I saw them live a couple years back with my uncle before he passed from cancer, it was a good show. If anything the drummer makes the band. Honestly how come nobody ever makes a fucking SABBATH appreciation thread?
  11. Re: Whaaaaaaaaaaaat... Permabanned?? Channel Zero is Slippin For real though? I shouldn't have to explain this. He puts in work, still got spots in my area. even if you don't agree with me my point is still valid, posting up what other people write is not cool.
  12. Re: Whaaaaaaaaaaaat... Permabanned?? Channel Zero is Slippin Even if those flicks are a repost its still not a good idea to be spreading what somebody writes all over channel zero. I'd be surprised if that really is DAO. Sik is a well respected writer in philly, gets mad ups, down with ICP (inner city Philadelphia) the oldest crew probably in history( don't believe me, do your research). If it is him than posting that is way outta line.
  13. Really GOTHPORN???I know my name is not well thought out or cool, but c'mon son. Dinosaurs over whiny goth bitches any day.
  14. Wow man that sounds like a shitty situation, but at least your balls are not in excruciating pain. anyway, Good luck with your balls man.
  15. I though because the basis for this game was to smack a whoe that it might be a fun game. I was wrong that game blows.
  16. Re: Niggas In Alaska Hey man, Alaskan bumblefuck retard rap is the next level of hip hop.
  17. http://www.pornotube.com/channels.php?channelId=202&m=1672938 No explanation needed.
  18. Maybe this truley was my downfall.
  19. Yeah, went to the doctor and had to explained how I got sick from eating out this chick. I didn't get any std's or some shit, which only raises more questions. the worst part was waking up next day though and I was hungover, had to meet this girls mom sick as a dog. Then hit it again before i got on a 3 hour flight back home. She was fine though and pussy was tight. Worth it? maybe not.
  20. I REALLY hope your kidding, but if not hit that shit like a champ and she won't ever now your a virgin. Believe or not you DON"T have to go down on a chick every time you have sex. You don't need to sweat over knowing were the clitoris is.I myself am not a fan of eating pussy. I ate some bad pussy a while back and got sick and felt like shit for weeks. If you don't go down on her she will most likely still go down on you. If not kick that bitch to the curb.
  21. You should slap the shit out of him regardless, just for putting up such shitty excuse for hands in this city.
  22. From the first part of the trailer it makes freddy seem like a total pussy. Classic Freddy was a twisted freak with a funny/badass attitude. The deaths in this movie better be crazy, original nightmare on elm street deaths were off the chain! I'm not going to waste my cash to see this in theaters, maybe when it comes out on dvd just to see the twilight douche bag get killed off. I've got a feeling a new generation of emo and hardcore kids with shitty haircuts are gonna be all over this shit.
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