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Everything posted by topfloorbasement

  1. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** werd up IOU.. here's a bonus bonus pic: 3 in 1: accumulation, bowtie, pervact. (i should state that this shrine was at my girls dads house... hahaha)
  2. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** aight, i'll start this.... 1. smoke 2. accumulation 3. protest... ? 4. steeple 5. rainbow 6. dinosaur 7. bottle 8. obstruction... obstruction on the obstruction sign stating that there's an obstruction on the road ahead.. 9. romance.. 10. books.. also see #2. accumulation of matchBOOKS 11. pirate.. us pittsburgh heads have an unfair advantage on this one. 12. priceless.. shit's all solid gold! fer real, it's not just gold metalic krylon painted trash i swear... ha BONUS SHOTS: bowtie. on mr. lincoln.. pervact #1 (sp) pervact #2. hahaa
  3. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** so any one else posting up in meah today? gonna finish uploading then post in a minute..
  4. -wake n bake'n. -sip'n chocolate glazed doughnut flavored coffee.. -thinking today looks like a good day to lounge around the pool..
  5. ^damn, that sucks... x that bitch out, aquire strange.. http://www.wyep.org/listen/ dudes drop'n some dope shit... or at least is pretty often... hahaa
  6. i've never really had problems with geting girls, except most of em end up being super fucking crazy.. white, asian, black and all kinda mixes... i'm really more concerned about where her head and hearts at, than the color of her skin.. jus say'n... have been with my current girl for like 4 months, but have known her for like 6 or 7 years.. for the first time in a long time i'm catch'n hella feelings... feels good.... Boats n Hoes: hope ya had fun an found some strange. Triple: good luck with counsaling. Fat Ralphy: sounds like a good girl man.. keep her around ya know...
  7. -just tuned into this: http://www.wyep.org/listen/. my boy spin'n some ish.. -drank'n brew. -waiting for girl to get her ars over here.. -uploading/editing some pics..
  8. -waiting for girl to get here so we can start this True Blood marathon.. -getting hai n drank'n brews as always.. -geeked cuz her "visitor" finally left for the month.. haha
  9. a card, a handshake, and joining him n my mom for lunch.. which my mom will pay for... sorry dad, you have more than most and i'm tryna save monies.....
  10. -finishing "morning" coffee.. -bout to switch to beer, even tho i still feel drunk from last night. -lighting up the greenery.
  11. -just got back from the pool with girlie.. -waiting as she gets ready again... -bout to head over to the polish hill dive bar that's got the bomb pierogies.. -jameson shots an 24oz pabsts will be consumed.. -punk rock will be listened too. -bathroom and outside ally will most likely get hit up again...
  12. ^that sounds like a good plan _blank_.. -i'm thinking 12pk + a pint of jameson + rooftop chille'n tonight..
  13. must prop others befor gasface again.. nice pics tho..
  14. damn... that's crazy that was 16 years ago... i'm getting old as hell...
  15. -just paid my elec. bill by phone. -looked up where i need to go to appeal my vehical registration from being suspended. -not really feel'n this day so far... -bout to wash myself cuz i smell like a dirty fucking hippie right now..
  16. -kinda buzzed... -thinking about what to eat.. -people watching/internet'n.
  17. -drinking chocolate glazed doughnut favored coffee.. -smoke'n some super funk. -thinking about what i wanna/need to do today...
  18. -thinking if i should blaze or just pass out.. -hafta finish this beer while i decide..
  19. i'ma cracker.. also an addrenaline(sp) junky of sorts.. roller coasters, bungey(sp) jumping, cliff jumping... hellz geah... haha
  20. skydiving is def on my list of crazy shit to do someday... hang gliding is up there too..
  21. great philly flics ralphy.. looks like you tried many cheesesteaks.. props.
  22. all i get is dr. pepper ads.. goes different dr. p ads such as kizz or iron man count?
  23. -drinking brew as usual. -setting up ebay & paypal accounts. -taking pics of art n various shat i'm trying to sell for $$$. -listening to the exploited. -thinking it's about time to blaze again..
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