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Everything posted by topfloorbasement

  1. they announce what city its gonna be at like 6 months ahead or something i think..
  2. best pic from g20 pittsburgh last year...
  3. sweet.. the g20 in pittsburgh last year were pretty cool.. i hope to see lots of awesom pics of crazy shit in this thread..
  4. the stoner surfer turtles in finding nemo were awesom.. i hope BP isn't burning them...
  5. -listening to grand puba. -sip'n coffee. -thinking i should take a shower so i don't smell like a stinky hippie when my girl comes back over..
  6. -trying to get motivated to finish this painting for an (f)art show tomorrow..
  7. -eat'n left over chinese foodz. -drank'n pabstssss. -gotta wake girlie up from her nap. -gonna go listen to some homies new dj night at the dive bar an cut up...
  8. i should have like 7 or 8 baby mommas right now.. abortions and miscarregies(sp) have saved my life.... feel for ya tho mang.. hope shit get better with ex girl...
  9. fuck yer gay watches, i know ya gotta a celly with the time right in ya pocket.... moer pics please... here's some from a while ago i forgot to upload.. nice hat gangster.. perro at the post office satan an high hopes.. i could out walk this fat ass on his bike fer sure.. this dude.. nother bus ride. punk ass ma fucka.. respected.. that's all folks.. kinda boring, nothin exciting... but PICS none the less...
  10. -just waking up.. -coffees -gotta get crack'n on a painting on a bike seat for this group art show this weekend.. 50 artist painting 50 bike seats = lots of diff styles..
  11. if there was a "friendly's" around or if i had even ever heard of one, i'd try that ish.. burger between two cheese samiches, can't be too bad...
  12. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** that's messed up.. i was just trying to play with the big kids... sorry...
  13. -apparently putting an end to the 2010 photohunt thread.. -drankin brews. -waiting for the bedroom to cool off cuz i just turned on the air conditioner so girl an i can, uhhh, go to sleep.. yea, thats it....
  14. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** ummm, did i kill it? wtf??
  15. i think you ment a laager.. hahaha.. jus say'n.. what about a waterr ice?? Cus, philly to mexico city's gonna be a huge change.. i'm considering cali, but mexico would be hella cheaper and possibly way cooler.. good luck.. now back to reading the rest of this thread..
  16. i was sleep'n so i didn't feel shit.. have heard from others in pixburgh that they felt it... weird tho....
  17. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** so where's everyones pics?
  18. -just finished my vanilla iced coffee. -waiting on girlie to come over with da beers.. -interweb'n..
  19. -listening to hangar 18. -pabst. -downlowding musics.
  20. i'd rather be sweat'n my ball's off than shivering cold any day all day... gimme a cold brew, a fan, an lemme chill in my boxers all day an it's all good.. plus, as stated, girls in minumum clothing!!! wtf is wrong with the heads saying they don't like summer? i'm guessing they're gay or are retarded... the only thing i like about winter is the gear...
  21. -trying to check shit off my "to do" list.. -drinking brews.. -generally slacking off and not getting shit done..
  22. RIP stan51dayinpiesposts... play'n.. good luck with yer ish...
  23. befor columbus, stop thru the burgh an eat a primantis sandwich.. double yoi....
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