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Everything posted by grd

  1. He's not a poor dog, he's an awesome dog! I was telling my friend about his name the other day and he was umad he didn't think of it. Any pit owners have any experience with their dogs having sensitive skin?
  2. Yes, I've read it, thanks.
  3. *Young Zaphod Plays it Safe I don't class it as part of the series so no, I don't want to.
  4. It would have been Douglas Adams 60th birthday today so in honour of him I'm gonna start today with Hitchhiker's and end with Mostly Harmless.
  5. grd

    Dear ________,

    Dear Douglas Adams, Happy 60th UnBirthday - grdinnit
  6. Woman Tries to Sell Three-Year-Old Chicken McNugget for £5,000 On eBay Rebekah Speight of Dakota City found this McDonald’s Chicken McNugget three years ago. She thought it looked like President George Washington and she put it in the freezer—as you do in these cases. Now, she’s trying to sell it to get 50 kids to summer camp. She put it on eBay last week. When the auction finished on Monday, she got a winner. Someone who wanted to pay £5,150 for it. Sadly, that didn’t work out at the end. The buyer chickened out. Got cold feet. But the second highest bidder—who offered £5,000—is still there, ready to grab some chicken-flavored deep-fried cardboard that resembles the effigy of the first President of the United States. Which brings me to an important subject: McDonald’s Chicken Presidents. Ronald, listen up you clown, we are onto something here. Feed people and teaching them history. You know. Buy a box of Presidents and get the kids to identify them as a game just before dipping them into that delicious sweet-n-sour sauce. and you know what else is nonsense? Being so hungover I can't sleep yet I'm exhausted. Poor me, poor me, pour me another.
  7. oops, and this... What is Love on eight floppy drives
  8. http://acidcow.com/pics/20120308/batman_00.jpg[/img]
  9. toy story/the shining mashup drawn on an ipad....
  10. Maybe posting pictures that don't show up is the whole point, that's the nonsense? I feel like I'm missing out though and I don't like it. That black door with the 'no pros here' sign is in Soho. I saw a documentary about it once..I felt really sorry for the family living there having to put up with pervy old men banging the door at all hours.
  11. +plus+'s pictures never work for me.
  12. GIRL SCOUTS PUNCH THIEF IN THE FACE AFTER COOKIE MONEY ROBBERY The headline speaks for itself: Two Texas Girl Scouts, Iravia Cotton and Rachel Johnson, chased down a horrible person who stole $200 of Girl Scout cookie money from their booth. Iravia punched the guy in the face. Rachel grabbed on to the guy’s car and was dragged as he drove away. You might be wondering if they’re okay, and I kind of think they’ve proven they can take care of themselves. Man, the things girls need to do to earn badges these days! On a serious note, both girls are just fine, so we’ll get that silver lining out of the way. Rachel was treated for minor injuries at the scene of the crime, but never went to the hospital and probably just walked it off while Iravia iced her knuckles. Here is the story, courtesy of Mediaite: A group of Scouts had set up a table outside of a Walmart store, selling cookies to customers who were coming and going. Then, a “dark-colored, late-model Toyota Camry” carrying the nastiest, most terrible jerks in the world pulled up just before 2:00. One passenger left the car, pretending to be interested in making a purchase, and instead snatched the box containing the Girl Scouts’ cookie money and jumped back into the car. But not before the girls got to them. Iravia and Rachel ran up to the passenger side window, the former hitting the guy in the face, repeatedly. They tried making their getaway with Rachel still holding on to the car door, dragging her for a few feet before she let go. And then they got away. Rachel issued this statement to the thief on Houston’s KHOU: “I hope your face hurts from when Iravia punched you…jerk. I’m serious. No, one of our girls ran up, Bam! Yeah. So I hope your face hurts. I hope it leaves a scar.” Tommy Christopher at Mediaite points out that it’s not necessarily wise to try to chase down thieves in a moving vehicle, and that “money (and even delicious Girl Scout Cookies) can be replaced.” But as scary a story as this could have been, we’re not going to sit here and pretend we’re upset that they smacked and then smack-talked these grown men who tried to steal cookie money from Girl Scouts. In another positive turn of events, the story was covered on CNN‘s Starting Point, hosted by Soleded O’Brien, who promised to buy $200 worth of Girl Scout cookies. Girl Scout policy says that the scouts are responsible for any lost money, so this will reimburse them. As of this writing, the thieves have not been caught. I hope they can live with themselves. Because the world is just shaking their heads at them. They will forever be the guys who stole money from Girl Scouts.
  13. Is Boodah running around random tattoo shops and taking pictures of peoples work right after they're done just so he can come post it in the hella sikk tattz thread on 12oz? Because, if that's the case, he deserve something a little more than the meagre prop points I can offer. That's some real dedication shit.
  14. grd

    Dear ________,

    Dear Rolf, I get it now 'possum' hah. Silly S... - grd
  15. grd

    Dear ________,

    Dear Realism, okay, no possum...can I just get some cake then? fanx grdinnit Dear Rolferino, whhhhaaaaaaaaattttttt? I likes a bit of silverware I do. /redtilIdieoner Dear Tom Hardy, I love you, impregnate me, pleasetathankyouverymuch lots of love grdinnit
  16. well obviously I don't one a mean one like that...I want a cute one that eats cakes.
  17. grd

    Dear ________,

    Dear Liverpool, I'm not entirely sure you deserved that win but I sure am happy about it. - grdinnit Dear Americans, can someone send me a possum, please? - grd
  18. That possum is my hero. I want one!
  19. grd

    Dear ________,

    Dear Strettle, unlucky love - grdinnit Dear Bob, thank you for the gift of a decapitated baby rat...just what I want to deal with on top of my hangover. Next time you bring home a dead animal I'm putting you in the blender. - the one who feeds you
  20. My dad moved from our large family home last year to somewhere smaller, my brother found my Rainbow Brite dolls n stuff in the attic...and binned them. I'm still pissed about it. http://youtu.be/CfjgH8LZCPE
  21. edible helium balloons you must walk out of that place fucking starving.
  22. This should maybe go in the bad tattoo thread...either way, it's awesome.
  23. grd

    Dear ________,

    Dear Decy, He's definitely too old now, I was thinking more along the lines of a little one that can't talk yet...more specifically one that can't scream 'help, she's kidnapping me'. - grdinnit Dear Rolf, I like it when you've had a drink and your accent comes out :) She's okay, I don't see her often and wouldn't say owt to her I wouldn't want known anyway. Loose lips an all innit. - grdinnit Dear dears, I have ANOTHER funeral next week, since the beginning 2012 two of my friends have died of cancer. One most likely preventable. Please wear sunscreen innit. - sadgrd
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