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Everything posted by i'moffthywallz

  1. Re: So my girlfriend has a few male friends..........
  2. someone photoshop those pics^ to have babies inside of infection.
  3. Re: So my girlfriend has a few male friends..........
  4. i still leave niggas shook..................lol
  5. next time your girl brings this up, do this (bonus points if it is brought up in public)::
  6. ok fuck it fuck dubstep fuck skillex its all just music thats been chopped, screwed and fucked with. - hipster that doesn't know he is a hipster or aka:
  7. I like dubstep, but i hear it as a music style, something anyone can do......some djs utilize dubstep. some are able to make the samples, loops and most aspects of the music connect and flow extended like. in the words of Globzer R.I.P where ever the hell his soul rest: "fuck what you heard." oh...........
  8. soon out $250 or buy now on egay for $600 to come out a year from now:
  9. This last ep. was epic, with Wilfred pushing Ryan to the dark-side and orchestrating it by planting the black file in the suitcase, thus unleashing sinister Ryan.
  10. peek this: Take Pain Meds? Have Constipation? take the study and get up to $900 ha..........http://painandconstipation.com/
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