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Everything posted by i'moffthywallz

  1. in mcdees being bothered by spanish folks and kids about free wifi in spanish
  2. i'moffthywallz


    As reported from VG247, the game will be a 2D fighter, but will mix in gameplay elements from both MvC 2 and Street Fighter IV – which we mentioned earlier today. Confirmed characters for the game include Spiderman, Wolverine, Storm, Hulk and Magneto. Fans are in for a treat, as Capcom has stated that the amount of characters contained on the game disc (yes, disc) will ‘blow you out of the water’. Oh, and the game will also feature 1080p visuals! As for release, it has been rumored to be releasing either late 2010, or early 2011. If any of you are lucky enough to be attending this year’s E3 event, Marvel Vs Capcom 3 will also be playable.
  3. so i was on the subway with my bike and a black is like "those dont work" and he started laughing, "(pointing at the back tire) those going to fall off." fucking bikes work niggahs!
  4. i'moffthywallz


    do you have fallout 3 goty edition? or the normal? you might end up buying the add on packs
  5. i'moffthywallz


    evil messican wrestling!!!!!!! those niggahs is evil yo!!!!!!!!!! Konami’s Lucha Libre Game Developer is Immersion Software and powered by Epic's Unreal Engine 3
  6. i'moffthywallz


    fag fix that shit google is your friend n00b ho and C00L story Br0!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Spice is currently not a scheduled drug in the USA.[35] If it is true that Spice contains synthetic cannabinoids, it may be illegal under the Federal Analog Act
  8. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD I fucking hate those little dogs, most people i see walking them around look like perverts that probably jam their hand up the little thing's butt like a puppet............
  9. i'moffthywallz


    someone make or put ideas together a western grand theft auto style game expect had cool online play with stats and upgrades. I'm going to be fucking shit up in final fantasy 14 online PSN fuckers!
  10. i'moffthywallz


    anyone heard about red dead redemption?
  11. i'moffthywallz


    ^ own it on the xbox emulator
  12. i'moffthywallz


    this looks interesting http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshh2TNcmX7fPJzYFUCL Dust 514
  13. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD pacman was fuckin' with him! lol
  14. . ...... ..:ivc:..i:..,i ..... ..i;;:. .,,i;i . .i. .:v;i. tIUnYi .,iv17i. :77v.. BbMU;. ..,.i:,iYcY;..SAv, ::SWz, .i;i;..i.ii.. .ici .7@MQn: ..i;ci. . .,. YMM$1:. ..i;;,.. ,EMA: ....,:,,,i;i. .bMEi ..........:;;iv, ,XQWc. ......,i::. . .:;C#Bt. ..... .t@Q ,t80E7. ...... .:ci itE8nc. ...,i. ... ,SzZXi. .;: ,C. : . v9Yv7;. .;: SU. .: iz; ;MMt .X2i. .:i @n. .,YY. 7MM7 #Mo. .;i_____._ ,, cB0. n_MM@_____ _M1. __ __ _ _ :| ___(_)_ __ , __ _| |$| ___|_ _ _ __ | |_ __ _ ___ _ _ \ \ / /| || | .| |_. | | '_ \ / _` | |W| |_ / _` | '_ \| __/ _` / __| | | | \ \ / / | || | | _| | | | | | (_| | | | _| (_| | | | | || (_| \__ \ |_| | \ ' / | || | |_| |_|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| \__,_|_| |_|\__\__,_|___/\__, |© \_/ |_||_| ========================================================|___/=================== .. i#. vMv. .cU ... .; .@n. .b6;C, ci. :: .MU. .,:;;;;;;7c:nX , 2MX @b. .... .... iM: ZM2. i: S nM. $#;. .Yz. 7MM. X$S. .vIUQMMi , i6S:. ..iUA. .SBz: inZZXi UAtQ@9: .iCUU1tC7zQ@@@0zc. .,:i:.
  15. i'moffthywallz


    its the shit lots of gamers are givin up call of duty mw2
  16. there needs to be a chola gone wild video.........I've seen a porn one where a chola is 'taggin" a dump then gets raped/ somewhere on teh oontz.
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