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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by LUGR

  1. I installed a metal fence around a house in clay with a gas powered two man auger. I agree with you, never again.
  2. Water hose and a shooter work wonders loosening up those tough holes.
  3. We talked about it awhile back on here and I thought you said you were going to try it. It’s in the inner Richmond. I used to get pirogis there and see/smell their bread cooling on the sidewalk coming home from work at 4am back in the day. Try it and report back.
  4. What’s the similar dish you have?
  5. Did you ever hit up Cinderella Bakery & Cafe?
  6. You get down on rendang? It is my all time favorite meal.
  7. LUGR


    ^The real last air bender.
  8. Sounds legit, tasty and very American. I’m in 💯 on this. @mr.yuckacting like a foreign bot lately.
  9. What does it mean when someone is a deflector? Deflecting is a psychological defense mechanism that people use to take the blame off of themselves. When they are deflecting, they are trying to make themselves feel less bad for their wrongdoings.
  10. LUGR


    The unbroken eye contact you two were sharing likely changed the path of the bullet and saved his life. I have heard of stuff like that happening before. Love concurs all. For reference to what happened that day…
  11. We just figured you quit and moved on to Pokémon Go or something.
  12. Freedom fries and Heinz! and the occasional banana and Heinz.
  13. LUGR


    Oh man, for a second I thought you were describing your homie shooting his wang off and you not breaking eye contact with him the entire time.
  14. That’s very un-American of you to hate on ketchup the way you do.
  15. I’m getting some. Banana and ketchup will change your life for the better.
  16. Any good? I saw this at the Asian market today.
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