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Bad Medicine

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Everything posted by Bad Medicine

  1. Re: --------- GET OMELETTE OR DIE TRY'N - The Official Omelette appreciation thread ------ directions on cooking a proper omelette requested
  2. oh yah.....she ended up getting married too. haha
  3. i caught chlamydia once....shit sucked....shit was burnin' when i urinated....i knew something was up....thing is the girl that gave it to me, i met at an x-mas eve party...so yeah xmas day she gave me something. she didn't call me till the first of the year...all crying saying she had something important to tell me... and that she felt like a skank and she felt horrible....i told her she better not be pregnant cause i aint the 1.....she told me she didnt know how she got it but she gave me chlamydia... and i should talk to her doctor....well her doc gives me a call and tells me that its curable with a powder like mix, and i shouldn't worry...and if i could drive 3hours away to see her, to pick up the mix. well i couldn't so she said ok, ill mail it to ya and you just follow the directions.. its simple and you should be fine if you need any other help call her....well like a week later i get the package...i did notice that i had to piss alot...even though i hadnt drank anything i was pissin like a racehorse...well the package says you just mix it with any kind of beverage...i didn't have any beer...i didn't have any milk..no apple juice...but i did have grape koolaid and water...so yah....mixed the shit up in my koolaid.....i never hit the girl up she kept asking if i was still mad....heh.....well i did get tested again....and i was clean...so it got the job done....
  4. Re: Shit you Hate Appreciation thread.......................... i hate it when you ask somebody what time it is, and they fucking say... *its 36 after* orrr *10 till* ................................
  5. thanks alot for that post man, so many great catches.
  6. i love kambucha , should be a thread already santa fe elixer
  7. DRINKING HELPS depends on how she left you too...or how things ended....if she left shady that isnt right....but if she left for a honest reason gotta respect that
  8. MUSIC, art....hang with good friends...people that you care about and care about you...laugh....remember things that were bad about that person...but you tried to ignore but you loved her anyway....know that theres somebody else....do artwork or whatever you do......keep busy......take a road trip.....do things to occupy your mind...me personally..i just remember the shit i know that she didnt do... that somebody else would...wether it be physically or emotionally....its all good......shit happens for a reason
  9. how about shitting in the sock and then throwing it on the ceiling?
  10. saw watched the episode where omar and brother muzone handle that fool thought he was about to turn on avon
  11. i mean, you gotta be pretty close to something like that happening.
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