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Bad Medicine

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Everything posted by Bad Medicine

  1. SAW THIS LIL FELLA, tried to get closer, but he boogied when i was only like 20 feet away. :( oh shit its two socks!
  2. 3seconds..u see how fast that bus cleared...cept that white girl in the back..just lookin like nothing happened haha
  3. tortillas...canned corn beef hash n eggs... hot sauce n makes a good breakfast buritto!
  4. they have other types of noodles...39 cents the mama japanese noodles are pretty good too then they have those super soups for like 89 cents i can never get tired of ramen.... i guess im just a cheap bastid ;]
  5. 2 weeks keep your mouth shut n mind your business. and dont tell anybody your doing 2weeks. some fucker might just want to take that away from you n start a fight, tell them you started it n you get more time. if you draw set up shop at an open table or where ever others are drawing n just chill the fuck out. drink coffee draw n share stories- if you feel it will be over by the time you know it. when i was in county alot of people wanted to goto prison. they say its alot more relaxed... the counties ive been to were pretty rowdy...but fuck it man just do ya time dont let ya time do you!
  6. those were the 90's bro everybody pays for montana cans with credit cards now
  7. i have no idea about dumpster cept if i had a choice id goto trader joes. thats all i said. ill go in a walmart with an empty bad walk out with a full one before i dig around for food.
  8. as long as its still packaged and not turning green it should be good
  9. trader joes throws some good shit away.....packaged...and not really rotten, i used to work for a foodbank. trader joes had some stuff that was really good that they'd donate either it was just dated that day or had too much, or certain items werent selling. if anywhere to dumpster dive id say trader joes
  10. so is it bad to recycle gifts? say i got something from a girl im not really interested in, but i accepted her gift anyway. and i turned around and gave it to another girl that i like...? i mean i didn't wanna be an asshole or anything by telling her that i couldn't accept her teddy bear? but giving it to somebody else seems right? i didn't have to spend any money this year...right on
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