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Bad Medicine

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Everything posted by Bad Medicine

  1. i was agreeing basically with this.
  2. i hope he pulls thru.....the irony...
  3. iv'e been having a lot of dreams, with other people i have never seen before...but we act like we have in the dreams. were there chilling or finding dead bodies. i always wondered, if these people somewhere in existence, are dreaming the same thing i am, waking up wondering like who the fuck was that? those dream books are cool. and internet sites with definitions are cool to look at and compare to make a conclusion of what it could of met. i had a dream once where my teeth were falling out into my hands. i woke up n felt my grill it was all there so i went to a book store n started looking at dream books and even went on the internet and found the most common meaning for that was you are lying to somebody....in fact i was lying to my girl friend at the time and my dream was telling me to fess up. as the way i took it..........cool stuff
  4. Re: Chile 8.3 Earthquake................... i mean 2 big earthquakes this close...kinda weird..
  5. Re: Chile 8.3 Earthquake................... info im getting is just yahoo.com world news mayne
  6. Re: Chile 8.3 Earthquake................... its a hoax!
  7. Re: Chile 8.3 Earthquake................... listen to the wind.....
  8. Re: Chile 8.3 Earthquake................... 8.8 is what i read too
  9. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD must of found out she was cheatin? lol
  10. smash after she get outta jail....she gonna be water tight
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