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Everything posted by abcs

  1. Kezar Stadium on 1975-03-23 pretty sure ive brought this to light before. It could accurately be labeled GD and Friends. Mixed in the mix Merle Saunders - Organ Ned Lagin - Organ David Crosby - Guitar Crazy. It sounds a million years away from 1974
  2. reconstruction is fun interesting slideshow piece too
  3. crushing emotion and intensity. I really think this is my favorite show. Summer 77 they were fully dialed in. Extra comfortable. This, the Mosque on the 25th and the Cornell show have favorite versions of some of my favorite songs. Like i said before. TLEO is smoking hot and the LL Rain shortly after is even better. This show is close to perfect. St. Paul Civic Center on 1977-05-11 been finding lots of good 85 lately too
  4. abcs


    Don't tell her...Let it be incentive to clean up enough to fool her. If shes really all that and you pull it off fuck with her instead of the dope. From time to time blow some roxys or whatever but treat it as tho you earned the right to indulge instead of something you need to do to stay off sick. But thats just suggestions.
  5. abcs


    aaah. reason we drink so much is we are too smart for our own good. I read that today and ukno what.... I believe it. Ignorance is bliss. There are plenty of dumb happy fucks floating around. Easily fooled fools. Its a good reason to stay home. I start having to interact with people too much and man..... I start feeling miserable, impatient and antisocial. What does alcohol do? Among other things it dumbs you down some. If you cant beat em join em.
  6. spoken like a true police lover.
  7. no pics that i feel like taking since its all in tupperware in my fridge. My mom and aunt loaded me down with like 15 lbs of leftovers. I don't really need all this food? I may freeze some bird but the rest of it kinda needs to just get eaten. Since it was made today i guess it needs to happen by monday afternoon. Abcs... doesn't need to eat too much
  8. aaahhaha my attempt to hop on topic completely missed the topic.
  9. Too bad the chinese have to suck so bad. Their actions, and history in regard to the environment, human rights, population, copyright violation. They are the ugliest asians May as well try to contribute something more on topic. Chinese have plenty of incentive to secure a cheaper source of energy. Haven't they been jamming into cities over there. Middle class expansion, building, economy still firing. Naturally they are about keeping that up. I hate thinking too much about the rest of the world. I like peace of mind. Not worrying too much about being forced to defend my Mitten or else. Being invaded occupied, enslaved, killed. In the last 2000 years its been countless wars. There are certainly other places that seem more volatile. But if Chinas nuts drop thats a real problem. And thats all i got. I could keep going but all it would be is unsupported assumptions, conjecture and opinions.
  10. so... did the hype translate into mass dividends? was it worth the aggravation?
  11. I dont really know what thxgiving is all about. I forgot the backstory. However, much like xmas and easter i could certainly do without all of it. I get to see my trustfund cousins and listen to them talk about Europe or S.America and not having to work. I get to talk to their parents who will undoubtedly by trying to find out what i've been up to. I will probably get shot dirty looks by my mom over every beer past #2 i drink. Im not a big eater, not a big socializer, not trying to see anybody. I suppose I will hide in my old room and do homework Got damn thats a fat squirrel. Nurga hardly made it across the street. Looked like he was gonna take a nap half way across
  12. those Ks are certainly more baller being on a bank envelope.
  13. wards a winner fuck them fancy little carbonation bubbles that seem to be necessary all the sudden
  14. I was on the way to school on the minibus and we had to pick someone else up An entirely useless woman. First off we got her in Pontiac. Pontiac makes Detroit look nice. It was this little storefront church she waddled onto the bus. All 350 lbs of her with a crate of collards and sandwich rolls. A bunch of other food. She was friendly enough i guess. Told me they give out free food. Now i'm not against the poor. Shit.... I've been broke too. They she starts talking about how she was throwing up earlier. Next she is talking about getting dropped off at the "libary". If you cant pronounce library you have no business inside one. Then for 10 minutes shes bitching about the people at the church hoarding the hams and turkeys. Talking about how shes gonna start using her stamps instead of dealing with the church people. Then she starts to complain on her welfare check. Then shes talking about going to a different church where they are giving out free coats. Beyond that she was just annoyingly religious and clearly a professional freeloader.
  15. no homo right? nice flix too btw
  16. I just realized. My user number is 123210 my user name is abcs. Seems kinda ironic
  17. Re: Travel Log - 2011 - USA It can become a compulsion. When i cook for my gpops i probably wash em after every time i touch a non cooking surface. My logic is.... old fella shouldnt be exposed to germs that will make him sick... And then yesterday i find a piss soaked pair of depends wrapped and tied around the handle of the damn toilet brush. All i could do was shake my head knowing damn well his hands were all over the brush end and he almost certainly didnt wash them after. Still trying to figure out what he could possibly have been trying to accomplish. So. Sorry about the thread detour. Sweet flix KIR. When i read about you in the paper i wont be surprised and good luck with your future travels. Maybe ill motivate and send you a relief package
  18. yea if you decide to stay home try cheese its in pickle juice. Just eat it like cerael
  19. i was just gonna say the same thing. into communal living, protest, activism have dreadlocks, listen to psychedelic music and live in the bay area. nobodys mad at ya. a few of you have seen me and or talked to me enough to realize i fit more into the category of scumbags
  20. i keep checking TM for NYE re-releases. I cancelled my hotel but if i can somehow get face for 30th and 31st I will find a way to pull it off So in other words... its probably not gonna happen
  21. there are like 18K on right now.
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