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Everything posted by abcs

  1. red storm rising. Probably my least favorite Clancy but it wasn't bad either.
  2. im trying to read this Cisco press book... brushing up on subnetting. I bought this book used off Ebay and it smells like it was packed in between a few loosely wrapped kilos of yey. Every time i open the damn thing i get a head rush. Very distracting. I need to be concentrating on network addressing
  3. hell yea br0. dressed out like a womans purse
  4. bump the state of michigan resisting federal subpoenas for you know what from you know who.
  5. fuck yo redundant array nigga So last year i bought a new Time Capsule off a crackhead for 10 dollars. 500 GB version but I just never got around to setting it up till tonite. Currently i am backing my hard drive up. 200 GB worth of stuff wirelessly and that combined with the alcohol i been had life is good. My question. Anybody have one of these? After the backup will i have a desktop item that gives me an overview? Has anybody here done a system restore from a time capsule backup? done one on a different machine?
  6. well... its pretty clear from the picture that the guy is about to depart on a safari to kill some lions
  7. abcs


    that spot looks kinda hemmed in
  8. anticipation. Mila Kunis supposedly may have just broke it off with her man. Im waiting for her to call me
  9. abcs

    Dear ________,

    dear old dude, First thing in the morning i want to make breakfast and you put the butter and jelly respectively in the oven and the microwave. My keys were stashed away in an obscure drawer in the office and your keys wrapped in a handkerchief and tucked away in a nightstand and you wonder why your wallet is missing... Thank goodness i have a beeping key finder with a remote controller. Now stay away from my shit. Abcs ps. Stop denying its you that keeps hiding everything. Dementia is annoying
  10. yea leave the letters be. Feeling em tho. Consistency is a good thing. The more comfortable you are with those letters the faster you can put them wherever you see fit.
  11. cheap posting so i cant hit 5K at midnight. Drinking budweiser and feeling miserable. mad
  12. that away is refreshingly simple. Kinda like it
  13. ruminating. Cant go out and blow piles of cola, cant go to the shake club and throw pennies at the strippers, cant go to this 3 house hookup i know about. Cant go to the club to pull some drunk new year strange. Im on the clock 24-7 and losing my damn mind. Winter semester needs to start and fast. I will have a legit reason to leave this house.
  14. I want some korean food, expensive tea and 400 dollars.
  15. cheap posts. Tryin to get this 5K post. Drinking cranberry juice. Seriously considered walking to the store a half mile in the rain to return cans and buy a 40 but its just gonna have to be another night.
  16. do not understand do not want to either
  17. juggalo pron Yup no additional comment
  18. Tom Clancy Dead or Alive
  19. watching true grit. Eating snapea crisps and cranberry dark chocolate. About to read this A++ book for a few
  20. abcs

    Dear ________,

    dear knee pain. What the hell is going on here. I didn't twist you, strain you, or anything you. Cut it out. Abcs_
  21. computer was chirping at me for the last few weeks. Sounded like a bird or some mice or some shit. I thought it was the fan. I opened up the box to discover its my hard drive. I'm going solid state. go baby go I know what ccleaner does but why bother? someone explain it to me? Are loose files in the registry easily exploited? Is this an easy way into a system?
  22. True tpbm would rather be dead that spend the rest of they life in prison
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