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Everything posted by christo-f

  1. Yeah, there was a ground breaking study released by Dr. Stephen L. Kraponalotte about the ontology of graduate students and their ability to efficiently resonate each others pre-polarised positions according to the social epistemology as a generalisable variable. You should read it.
  2. Re: Does anyone know the site where I can cop these shirts... The best bit is people are still taking it seriously!! Rape kill pain!
  3. I knew a guy named Oscar once...., he was gay too.
  4. Re: Does anyone know the site where I can cop these shirts... Hahaha, $50 says he's 14 years old and fat as fuck. Edit, damnit, he came clean....
  5. I don't understand WHY he keeps doing it.
  6. I disagreed with both comments. I rule!
  7. My understanding is that Salafis believe that Islam was of its purest form during the time of Muhammad and for two generations after. Any deviation from their example is a perversion. As far as I knew about Wahabis is that they are fundamentalists, as in they read the words of the Koran and follow its fundamentals or word for word so to speak. Not all Salafis are terrorists not all terrorists are Salafis. But Some are, some of the type we have seen active from the Arab/Islamic world recently. Also, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Islam or the Arab world. I would be very happy to see Islam a strong influence in the world (as long as it was moderate Islam) just as I have no problem with strong Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. (moderate). I just don't want any of these people calling the shots on my freedoms. However, I do want them influencing government and society concerning morality, helping those in need, supporting community, etc. As for the Arabs, I don't care who you are, but authoritarian governments (I live under one now) have no place on this earth. When there is stability and freedom in the Arab world, I'd like to see them shake the reins of the foreign powers that keep them divided and be allowed to determine their own future and be kings of their own domain. All countries and regions deserve political and religious freedom which means no dominant force locally or globally. Which is another reason why I'd like to see multi-polarity and the US share power and responsibility.
  8. And there you have it, history doesn't determine the future.....Fidel does!
  9. Ahhh, you got nuttin. I AM the atlas! I'm Fiji.
  10. Don't think I need to convince anyone sweet cheeks. You're clearly looking at me more than I am you. I couldn't give a shit what or where you've posted, but you love replying to me as much as you can! Nah, I don't think I'll be going anywhere honey chunks, you're way too much fun! ;) Anyway, back on point.... The US has just assisted in the break away of Kosovo from Serbia. This is a deliberate move by the West to bring more Eastern European nations into the Western sphere. IT had to be expected that the Kremlin was/is going to react some how and it's best to have these types of assets in place before they do. Guam is obviously one of the bases where an asset like this would need to be placed. I'm assuming that you don't know too much about the world around you soupBDC, otherwise you would have been able to work out this fairly simple equation yourself. Kiss, kiss.
  11. Not in our lifetimes mate. And to be honest, until Islam's moderates start taking control and setting the agenda, I'm pretty happy with that as well. Secondly, I prefer to live in a secular world. A world that if you prefer to practice religion, you have the freedom to. A world that if you choose NOT to practice religion you don't have to. That means that the judicial system is NOT based on religious law. I prefer a libertarian style of law; if your actions don't hurt anyone, nor are they likely to lead to the harm or restriction of freedoms to another, it's all good. I don't want any type of religion to set anyone's agenda. Anyway, if you want to look at super power competition right now, just look at Kosovo and the Central Asian states. The US/West is encroaching on what used to be Russia's exclusive zone of influence (included in this is also the proposed missile shield and zero-sum security losses faced by Russia) and their political and military reactions. Central Asia is seeing China secure Gas and oil fields in what used to be the former Soviet Union/sphere of exclusive influence. This is the energy that the Kremlin has been using to blackmail/bribe Eastern European states and Western European nations with recently. However, China is stealing their thunder from under them and gaining power at the same time. We are either seeing the last gasp of a once was super power (yet, who however still holds the second largest nuclear arsenal in the world) or the calm before the storm.... Sorry guys, but the Islamic world fits nowhere into this picture and will not for generations and generations. The Muslims need a uniting influence. Some one needs to put an end to Shias and Sunnis killing each other, Salafis killing anyone who isn't "pure", kings and despots killing their own and living in the lap of luxury provided by puppet masters, etc. etc. I'm sorry, but I can only see disunity, short sightedness, greed and backwardness in most Muslim states these days. Only very few like the UAE, Libya, Brunei and other les influential states like that are in any type of enviable position. It will literally be hundreds of years before the Islamic world has any kind of credibility when it comes to this issue and there are far too many variables possible between now and then to make even the vaguest of predictions. Sorry, but that's the undeniable truth.
  12. Still having trouble getting all that sand out of your giney I see. Obviously you're paying more attention to me than I am to you.
  13. Don't flatter yourself. Being that I've posted in two threads that you also happen to have posted in, sounds a little more like wishful thinking to me...., sweetheart. The Stealth fleet may be based on the US homeland but they will still be moved around the world for exercises, contingencies and so on. Russia recently flew some Backfires over Guam, Japan and also into British airspace in response to the missile shield being proposed for Europe. Probably a response in upping the alert status in the Western Pacific/East Asia.
  14. You/the US is not bombing. There is a large US base on Guam.
  15. But you are Einstein, evidenced by your relevant point and ability to back it up with convincing argument and evidence. In other words, shut up dickhead.
  16. I'm hating my fold out futon lounge right now.
  17. I really don't know as I'm not an American and I don't focus too much on the US domestic situation or policies. Don't forget though, the US has been bogged down in wars before and also ran with their tail between their legs (Vietnam and Somalia). However, after the Vietnam war the US went on to win the Cold War and be a sole super power. After Somalia no country questioned the US's supremacy nor their ability to fight wars an win them. Also, if the US eventually comes out on top in Iraq they can place bases there and pressure Iran denying them regional power status thus keeping the region divided and the US the predominant power on the other side of the world. That would be a pretty successful outcome for America. Patriot act, I can't tell the effect this has had on US citizens (as a whole, single stories of suffering don't mean too much unless they lead to a generalisable situation for the whole population. In other words, does the general public still lead their life as before the act was implemented?). What are your thoughts on the Act that identifies a slide into shit for America?
  18. In what way? Serious question.
  19. Hahaha, that's some funny shite! ".... or nothing that can fit between their legs.". I don't know what's funny the article or the people who can't instantly realise that it's satire. But, then again, Westbro Baptists are real so I guess it's still possible...
  20. World don't revolve around you, one war or one country either.
  21. Any links to where you've heard/read this?
  22. Maybe, is there any footage of him since the announcement that proves the date? Usually they wouldn't announce the passing until some one has been maneuvered into place for power..., much alike the situation when Arrafat died. TBH, I know sweet FA about Cuba and hoped I'd learn something by starting this thread.
  23. My WW2 history isn't what it should be; what what the Swiss position in WW2? Were they neutral back then, with or against the Third Reich? As for governments moving towards despotism, I can't see that being an accurately generalisable theory. China, whilst still authoritarian (the new buzz phrase is neo-stalinist) is moving away from that position..., ever so slowely. Cuba will probably do the same, Czech republic, Poland and all other former USSR states are doing the same, etc. etc. I truly do not live in fear (for want of a better term) that I will ever have to defend myself against the governmens I've lived under and worked fort. Nor do I fear that I will have to defend myself against violent crime to the point that I will require a gun. This is true for the countries where I have spent significant time in; Australia, Malaysia, Sweden, China. All those countries have strict gun controls and significantly low crime rates and some of them are becoming less authoritarian in their systems of governance (australia does seem to have a bit of an increase in violent crime of late, but maybe I'm just looking abck at the good old days with rose coloured glasses...). As for defending against foreign invaders, the risk of interstate warfare drops year by year...., especially since Bush is now in his last term! Seriously though, if you're worried about foreign invasion, you'd be better off with SAM's and SSM's. As no nation will have the power to launch a ground invasion of the US for at least another 100 years. Only really Russia has the chance to attack your country from the air and sea (disregarding nukes which firearms mean little against) and only the US government has the power to defend against BAckfires, Bears and the type of aircraft that threaten the US. I think militia's are a waste of time when found in a democratic superpower which no country even comes close to threatening. Once again, I'm no tie die wearing, hippy pacifist by any shot. I'm an ex-parra ex-bouncer that now works as an East Asian security analyst. My career is conflict. I like to see myself as level headed and pragmatic.
  24. Re: motorbikes! Left my 1981 Sturgis Softail (unfinished project) in my mate's garage when I moved OS about a year ago. He is a fitter and turner by trade and just an obsessive mechanic/metal worker (you can see the buggy he made in the back ground. It has a 1000cc jap moto motor of some sort in it. I've never driven it myself but is apparently rather dangerous...). First pic is what it looked like about a month after I left it, second pic is what it looks like now. He has raked it, added new bars,fatter front end, lowered it and put that stupidly huge open primary on. The wheels are original but are apparently soon to be replaced with a solid on the rear and a normal spoked wheel on the front. He also wants to widen the rear end and chuck a fatter rear on in the process. I'm scared to know how much I owe him but am looking forward to riding it when I go back to renew my visa.
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